Embed these Brackets

Best of 1

1667440 1 0 Poland Kaszubsoon#2456Kaszubsoon#2456 10

1743577 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1667450 1 0 Poland LiverO#2440LiverO#2440 0

Match 2

1743576 1 0 Poland Husaras#2199Husaras#2199 0

1667443 1 0 Poland xan212#2834xan212#2834 0

Match 3

1667449 1 0 Poland Sucharowy#2626Sucharowy#2626 0

1667435 1 0 Poland Gamaken #2939Gamaken #2939 0

Match 4

1666789 1 0 Poland YatsuPL #2526YatsuPL #2526 0

1667436 1 0 Poland Aazrl #1712Aazrl #1712 10

1743578 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1667442 1 0 Poland BigDaddyPL #2512BigDaddyPL #2512 0

Match 6

1667438 1 0 Poland Deadmack #2191Deadmack #2191 0

1667437 1 0 Poland Rizo #2293Rizo #2293 0

Match 7

1725943 1 0 Poland Fallendiason #2933Fallendiason #2933 0

1725945 1 0 Poland Dusterk#1305Dusterk#1305 0

Match 8

1725944 1 0 Poland Abumx#2657Abumx#2657 0

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1667440 1 1 Poland Kaszubsoon#2456Kaszubsoon#2456 0

Match 9

0 -

0 -

Match 10

0 -

1667436 1 1 Poland Aazrl #1712Aazrl #1712 0

Match 11

0 -

0 -

Match 12

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Match 13

0 -

0 -

Match 14

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Match 15

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Round 1
Best of 1

1743577 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 0

Match 16

0 Loser of Match 2 -

0 Loser of Match 3 -

Match 17

0 Loser of Match 4 -

1743578 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 0

Match 18

0 Loser of Match 6 -

0 Loser of Match 7 -

Match 19

0 Loser of Match 8 -

Round 2
Best of 1

0 Loser of Match 11 -

Match 20

0 -

0 Loser of Match 12 -

Match 21

0 -

0 Loser of Match 9 -

Match 22

0 -

0 Loser of Match 10 -

Match 23

0 -

Round 3
Best of 1

0 -

Match 24

0 -

0 -

Match 25

0 -

Round 4
Best of 1

0 Loser of Match 13 -

Match 26

0 -

0 Loser of Match 14 -

Match 27

0 -

Round 5
Best of 1

0 -

Match 28

0 -

Round 6
Best of 1

0 Loser of Match 15 -

Match 29

0 -

Round 7
Best of 1

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Match 30

0 -

Best of 1

0 -