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Best of 3

2012339 gcttirthgcttirth#1560gcttirth 2

2013264 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012060 itwotWoT#1776itwot 0

2013223 zobotszobots#1425zobots 1

2012845 BestInWorldBestInWorld#1502BestInWorld 2

2013265 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013258 KnightKnight#1267Knight 2

2013266 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013254 grillorGrillor#1787grillor 2

2013267 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012211 WizWizrar#1197Wiz 2

2013268 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012334 cookybotsCooky#1502cookybots 2

2013269 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013022 LightLeixiaLightLeixia#1706LightLeixia 2

2013270 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013263 TsafTsaf#6806Tsaf 2

2013271 FreeWinFreeWin 0


Match 10
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2013272 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013020 AlexDaBoss1990AlexDaBoss#1990AlexDaBoss1990 1

Match 11
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2013273 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013260 robotminerRescueRobot#1629robotminer 1

Match 12
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2013274 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012656 iceman76Iceman76#1153iceman76 2

Match 13
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2013275 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012229 mattkeliteConrad#1201mattkelite 2

Match 14
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2013276 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2011719 brodiazbrodiaz#1419brodiaz 1

Match 15
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2013277 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012804 battlefrog13346battlefrog#13346battlefrog13346 2

Match 16
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2013278 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013250 TheBmanTheBman#1147TheBman 1

Match 17
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2013279 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013262 FuryBrandonD#1623Fury 1

Match 18
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2012574 dandayndandayn#1644dandayn 0

2012974 FlyingWhaleWeDoNotSow#1286FlyingWhale 2

Match 19
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2013280 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2010673 BulbasaurBulbasaur1117Bulbasaur 2

Match 20
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2013281 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012050 oMegACLoMegA#1570oMegACL 2

Match 21
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2013282 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012208 tuckedawayTuckedAway#1398tuckedaway 2

Match 22
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2013283 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012871 lokiLoki#12223loki 2

Match 23
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2013284 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013259 HetzHetz#1430Hetz 2

Match 24
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2013285 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012853 savage_hsSavage#1222savage_hs 1

Match 25
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2013286 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012222 tincho44tincho44#1133tincho44 2

Match 26
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2013287 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013256 MattBrotzMattBrotz#1713MattBrotz 1

Match 27
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2013288 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012827 MaickMaick#1777Maick 1

Match 28
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2013289 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013171 TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365 1

Match 29
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2013290 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012169 GoldenpantsGoldenPants#12647Goldenpants 2

Match 30
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2013291 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2012842 Colombia WoTWoT#1776WoT 2

Match 31
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2013292 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2013249 sparkalaphobiaHomedizzle#1399sparkalaphobia 2

Match 32
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2013293 FreeWinFreeWin 0

Best of 3

2012339 gcttirthgcttirth#1560gcttirth 1

Match 33
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2013223 zobotszobots#1425zobots 0

2012845 BestInWorldBestInWorld#1502BestInWorld 1

Match 34
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2013258 KnightKnight#1267Knight 0

2013254 grillorGrillor#1787grillor 1

Match 35
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2012211 WizWizrar#1197Wiz 0

2012334 cookybotsCooky#1502cookybots 0

Match 36
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2013022 LightLeixiaLightLeixia#1706LightLeixia 1

2013263 TsafTsaf#6806Tsaf 1

Match 37
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2013020 AlexDaBoss1990AlexDaBoss#1990AlexDaBoss1990 0

Match 38
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2013260 robotminerRescueRobot#1629robotminer 1

2012656 iceman76Iceman76#1153iceman76 1

Match 39
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2012229 mattkeliteConrad#1201mattkelite 0

2011719 brodiazbrodiaz#1419brodiaz 1

Match 40
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2012804 battlefrog13346battlefrog#13346battlefrog13346 0

2013250 TheBmanTheBman#1147TheBman 0

Match 41
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2013262 FuryBrandonD#1623Fury 1

2012974 FlyingWhaleWeDoNotSow#1286FlyingWhale 1

Match 42
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2010673 BulbasaurBulbasaur1117Bulbasaur 0

2012050 oMegACLoMegA#1570oMegACL 1

Match 43
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2012208 tuckedawayTuckedAway#1398tuckedaway 0

2012871 lokiLoki#12223loki 0

Match 44
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2013259 HetzHetz#1430Hetz 1

2012853 savage_hsSavage#1222savage_hs 1

Match 45
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2012222 tincho44tincho44#1133tincho44 0

2013256 MattBrotzMattBrotz#1713MattBrotz 0

Match 46
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2012827 MaickMaick#1777Maick 1

2013171 TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365 1

Match 47
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2012169 GoldenpantsGoldenPants#12647Goldenpants 0

2012842 Colombia WoTWoT#1776WoT 0

Match 48
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2013249 sparkalaphobiaHomedizzle#1399sparkalaphobia 1

Best of 3

2012339 gcttirthgcttirth#1560gcttirth 1

Match 49
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2012845 BestInWorldBestInWorld#1502BestInWorld 0

2013254 grillorGrillor#1787grillor 1

Match 50
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2013022 LightLeixiaLightLeixia#1706LightLeixia 0

2013263 TsafTsaf#6806Tsaf 1

Match 51
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2013260 robotminerRescueRobot#1629robotminer 0

2012656 iceman76Iceman76#1153iceman76 1

Match 52
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2011719 brodiazbrodiaz#1419brodiaz 0

2013262 FuryBrandonD#1623Fury 0

Match 53
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2012974 FlyingWhaleWeDoNotSow#1286FlyingWhale 1

2012050 oMegACLoMegA#1570oMegACL 0

Match 54
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2013259 HetzHetz#1430Hetz 1

2012853 savage_hsSavage#1222savage_hs 0

Match 55
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2012827 MaickMaick#1777Maick 1

2013171 TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365 1

Match 56
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2013249 sparkalaphobiaHomedizzle#1399sparkalaphobia 0

Best of 3

2012339 gcttirthgcttirth#1560gcttirth 1

Match 57
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2013254 grillorGrillor#1787grillor 0

2013263 TsafTsaf#6806Tsaf 0

Match 58
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2012656 iceman76Iceman76#1153iceman76 1

2012974 FlyingWhaleWeDoNotSow#1286FlyingWhale 1

Match 59
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2013259 HetzHetz#1430Hetz 0

2012827 MaickMaick#1777Maick 0

Match 60
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2013171 TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365 1

Best of 3

2012339 gcttirthgcttirth#1560gcttirth 1

Match 61
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2012656 iceman76Iceman76#1153iceman76 0

2012974 FlyingWhaleWeDoNotSow#1286FlyingWhale 1

Match 62
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2013171 TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365TwIsT#1365 0

Best of 5

2012339 gcttirthgcttirth#1560gcttirth 0

Match 63
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2012974 FlyingWhaleWeDoNotSow#1286FlyingWhale 1

Best of 1

2012974 FlyingWhaleWeDoNotSow#1286FlyingWhale -