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Best of 3

2124515 Turkey xeroquarkXeroquark.2277xeroquark 1

2129090 FreeWinFreeWin 0

2123190 Turkey Anka1Anka#2317Anka1 2

2118470 Turkey NyderrathNyderrath#2704Nyderrath 0

2124014 Turkey leeorafkarda#2615leeorafk 0

2123355 Turkey comolokkocomolokko#2304comolokko 2

2119255 Turkey krockerkrocker#2865krocker 2

2123443 Turkey konixmuhammedagar#2280konix 0

2118813 Turkey DeathcallsdeathKaanDcd#2632Deathcallsdeath 2

2119159 Turkey Hare Hare YukaiSlnadk#2452Hare Hare Yukai 1

2117082 Turkey Fordexosfordexos#2379Fordexos 2

2122723 Turkey stauffenbergrandymarsh#2788stauffenberg 0

2122476 Turkey SoulthiefSoulthief#2790Soulthief 2

2117768 Turkey eqzotixsneakyturtle#2159eqzotix 0

2123786 Turkey KingdomRushPaladin#2127KingdomRush 2

2119081 Turkey LeChuckLeChuck#2105LeChuck 0

Best of 3

2124515 Turkey xeroquarkXeroquark.2277xeroquark 0

2123190 Turkey Anka1Anka#2317Anka1 2

2123355 Turkey comolokkocomolokko#2304comolokko 0

Match 10
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2119255 Turkey krockerkrocker#2865krocker 2

2118813 Turkey DeathcallsdeathKaanDcd#2632Deathcallsdeath 2

Match 11
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2117082 Turkey Fordexosfordexos#2379Fordexos 0

2122476 Turkey SoulthiefSoulthief#2790Soulthief 2

Match 12
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2123786 Turkey KingdomRushPaladin#2127KingdomRush 0

Best of 3

2123190 Turkey Anka1Anka#2317Anka1 2

Match 13
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2119255 Turkey krockerkrocker#2865krocker 0

2118813 Turkey DeathcallsdeathKaanDcd#2632Deathcallsdeath 2

Match 14
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2122476 Turkey SoulthiefSoulthief#2790Soulthief 0

Best of 3

2123190 Turkey Anka1Anka#2317Anka1 0

Match 15
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2118813 Turkey DeathcallsdeathKaanDcd#2632Deathcallsdeath 2

Best of 1

2118813 Turkey DeathcallsdeathKaanDcd#2632Deathcallsdeath -