Embed these Brackets

Daedalus Point
Best of 1

1453799 DannusDannus 1

1453804 LikeABawsLikeABaws 0

1453805 PuppyTheRapyPuppyTheRapy 1

1453800 VultureVulture 0

1453806 RagnarokRagnarok 1

1453802 MayhemMayhem 0

1453801 SickneelSickneel 1

1453803 SoundwaveSoundwave 0

Heavy Rain
Best of 1

1453799 DannusDannus 1

1453805 PuppyTheRapyPuppyTheRapy 0

1453806 RagnarokRagnarok 1

1453801 SickneelSickneel 0

Polar Night LE
Best of 1

1453799 DannusDannus 0

Match 7

1453806 RagnarokRagnarok 0

Best of 1

0 -

Round 1
Best of 1

1453804 LikeABawsLikeABaws 1

1453800 VultureVulture 0

1453802 MayhemMayhem 0

Match 9

1453803 SoundwaveSoundwave 0

Round 2
Best of 1

1453801 SickneelSickneel 0

Match 10

1453804 LikeABawsLikeABaws 0

1453805 PuppyTheRapyPuppyTheRapy 0

Match 11

0 -

Round 3
Best of 1

0 -

Match 12

0 -

Round 4
Best of 1

0 Loser of Match 7 -

Match 13

0 -

Round 5
Best of 1

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Match 14

0 -

Best of 1

0 -