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Frost LE
Best of 3

1495616 Chile StrucKKKStrucKKK#106StrucKKK 1

1495617 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1495537 Peru xxkousxx#374xxkousxx#374xxkousxx#374 0

1495256 Colombia AliusAlius.737Alius 2

1495589 Peru PrinceMarineRoss #1378PrinceMarine 1

1495618 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1494912 Bolivia david_jefejiraiya.691david_jefe 2

1495281 Peru locopiedralocopiedra.690locopiedra 0

1494931 Peru GrenouillleGrenouillleGrenouillle 1

1495619 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1495237 Chile fracoFraco. 319fraco 0

1495224 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of DJINNDJINN #1363DJINN 2

1494736 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of (xGs) DrLecterDrLecter.397(xGs) DrLecter 1

1495620 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1494749 Mexico mEtAlxmEtAlx.309mEtAlx 2

1495201 Mexico mlinkmlink.597mlink 0

Alterzim Stronghold TE
Best of 3

1495616 Chile StrucKKKStrucKKK#106StrucKKK 1

1495256 Colombia AliusAlius.737Alius 2

1495589 Peru PrinceMarineRoss #1378PrinceMarine 2

Match 10
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1494912 Bolivia david_jefejiraiya.691david_jefe 0

1494931 Peru GrenouillleGrenouillleGrenouillle 0

Match 11
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1495224 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of DJINNDJINN #1363DJINN 2

1494736 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of (xGs) DrLecterDrLecter.397(xGs) DrLecter 0

Match 12
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1494749 Mexico mEtAlxmEtAlx.309mEtAlx 2

Best of 3

1495256 Colombia AliusAlius.737Alius 0

Match 13

1495589 Peru PrinceMarineRoss #1378PrinceMarine 0

1495224 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of DJINNDJINN #1363DJINN 0

Match 14
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1494749 Mexico mEtAlxmEtAlx.309mEtAlx 2

Heavy Rain LE
Best of 5

0 -

Match 15

1494749 Mexico mEtAlxmEtAlx.309mEtAlx 0

Best of 1

0 -