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Best of 1

1695020 1 0 Peru TronTRON.1560Tron 10

1696533 1 0 Peru JimKingJimKing#2852JimKing 00

1686328 1 0 Chile SheepSheep.142Sheep 10

1687944 1 0 Chile ElrohElroh.624Elroh 00

1681684 1 0 Peru MarineFMarineF#295MarineF 10

1696431 1 0 Costa Rica [Mc]RingerilMcRingeril.207[Mc]Ringeril 00

1681178 1 0 Chile DazHDazH . 458DazH 00

1684392 1 0 Costa Rica AlnigHtYAlnigHtY 911AlnigHtY 10

1696670 1 0 Mexico Kitalorkitalor . 321Kitalor 10

1694482 1 0 Mexico PericlesPericles#189Pericles 00

1696668 1 0 Costa Rica PrimusDeksiAPrimusDeksia 512PrimusDeksiA 10

1696429 1 0 Costa Rica Mc.AikanaroMcAikanaro.889Mc.Aikanaro 00

1686402 1 0 Chile [RoeS]Soulfr0stSoulfrOst, 511[RoeS]Soulfr0st 00

1696370 1 0 Costa Rica kArTeLkArTeL.330kArTeL 10

1681543 1 0 Peru Bleikz.642Bleikz.128Bleikz.642 10

1696672 1 0 Honduras MAGNETOMAGNETO.411MAGNETO 00

1684432 1 0 Korea, Republic of JuttiMeriMass.3342JuttiMeri 10

1683583 1 0 Costa Rica BIANBIAN.618BIAN 00

1683993 1 0 Bolivia DarKDarKLoVer.121DarK 10

Match 10
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1691829 1 0 Peru PSosaPSosa.578PSosa 00

1695445 1 0 Portugal nERFmARINEZTerranIMBA.587nERFmARINEZ 10

Match 11
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1684393 1 0 Costa Rica TheSixthElementSixthElement TheSixthElement 00

1696298 1 0 Mexico amoaKarlaILYLes.611amoaKarla 10

Match 12
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1696371 1 0 Bolivia Chauncey_lightnessLightNess.658Chauncey_lightness 00

1696340 1 0 United States HikyHikyHikyHiky-NTRXHikyHiky 00

Match 13
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1696673 1 0 Argentina MuñecoVuduMuñecoVudu.595MuñecoVudu 10

1696537 1 0 Costa Rica (Creta)TicoxXxTicOXx(Creta)TicoxXx 00

Match 14
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1686356 1 0 Chile [SØT] BlastmureBlastmure . 471[SØT] Blastmure 10

1684043 1 0 Bolivia AmadeXAmadeX /778AmadeX 10

Match 15
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1684417 1 0 Costa Rica AMHAMH.134AMH 00

1696342 1 0 Costa Rica McSickcoreMcSickcore 114McSickcore 10

Match 16
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1696432 1 0 Bolivia david_jefejiraiya.691david_jefe 00

Alterzim Stronghold TE
Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1695020 1 1 Peru TronTRON.1560Tron 00

Match 17
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1686328 1 1 Chile SheepSheep.142Sheep 10

1681684 1 1 Peru MarineFMarineF#295MarineF 00

Match 18
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1684392 1 1 Costa Rica AlnigHtYAlnigHtY 911AlnigHtY 10

1696670 1 1 Mexico Kitalorkitalor . 321Kitalor 00

Match 19
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1696668 1 1 Costa Rica PrimusDeksiAPrimusDeksia 512PrimusDeksiA 10

1696370 1 1 Costa Rica kArTeLkArTeL.330kArTeL 00

Match 20
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1681543 1 1 Peru Bleikz.642Bleikz.128Bleikz.642 10

1684432 1 1 Korea, Republic of JuttiMeriMass.3342JuttiMeri 00

Match 21
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1683993 1 1 Bolivia DarKDarKLoVer.121DarK 10

1695445 1 1 Portugal nERFmARINEZTerranIMBA.587nERFmARINEZ 00

Match 22
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1696298 1 1 Mexico amoaKarlaILYLes.611amoaKarla 10

1696673 1 1 Argentina MuñecoVuduMuñecoVudu.595MuñecoVudu 00

Match 23
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1686356 1 1 Chile [SØT] BlastmureBlastmure . 471[SØT] Blastmure 10

1684043 1 1 Bolivia AmadeXAmadeX /778AmadeX 00

Match 24
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1696342 1 1 Costa Rica McSickcoreMcSickcore 114McSickcore 10

merry go round LE
Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1686328 1 2 Chile SheepSheep.142Sheep 10

Match 25
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1684392 1 2 Costa Rica AlnigHtYAlnigHtY 911AlnigHtY 00

1696668 1 2 Costa Rica PrimusDeksiAPrimusDeksia 512PrimusDeksiA 00

Match 26
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1681543 1 2 Peru Bleikz.642Bleikz.128Bleikz.642 10

1683993 1 2 Bolivia DarKDarKLoVer.121DarK 10

Match 27
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1696298 1 2 Mexico amoaKarlaILYLes.611amoaKarla 00

1686356 1 2 Chile [SØT] BlastmureBlastmure . 471[SØT] Blastmure 00

Match 28
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1696342 1 2 Costa Rica McSickcoreMcSickcore 114McSickcore 10

Frost LE
Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1686328 1 3 Chile SheepSheep.142Sheep 10

Match 29
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1681543 1 3 Peru Bleikz.642Bleikz.128Bleikz.642 00

1683993 1 3 Bolivia DarKDarKLoVer.121DarK 10

Match 30
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1696342 1 3 Costa Rica McSickcoreMcSickcore 114McSickcore 00

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 1686328 1 4 Chile SheepSheep.142Sheep 20

Match 31
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1683993 1 4 Bolivia DarKDarKLoVer.121DarK 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1686328 1 5 Chile SheepSheep.142Sheep -