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MLG Tal'darim Altar
Best of 3

210317 1 0 TMClSplendor.644TMClSplendor.644 20

213193 1 0 Bulgaria StilgarStilgar.849Stilgar 00

211805 1 0 Klokotnitza.606Klokotnitza.606 00

214217 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210307 1 0 Gnomman.775Gnomman.775 00

214219 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210329 1 0 Lucifer.102Lucifer.102 00

214221 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

211179 1 0 Bulgaria BagerTerranLaStGaMeR.326BagerTerran 00

214223 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210667 1 0 TheSoldier.329TheSoldier.329 00

214225 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210669 1 0 hwbgJei.817hwbgJei.817 00

214227 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

211811 1 0 placebo.713placebo.713 00

214229 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210161 1 0 Bulgaria zlozleAGzlozle.204zlozle 20

210319 1 0 will.172will.172 00

210333 1 0 Leonardo.861Leonardo.861 00

Match 10
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214231 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210313 1 0 hate.803hate.803 00

Match 11
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214233 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

211173 1 0 NotAlone.244NotAlone.244 00

Match 12
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214235 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210397 1 0 Bulgaria bOojidar.620bOojidar#620bOojidar.620 00

Match 13
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214237 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

211807 1 0 raider.352raider.352 00

Match 14
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214239 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

211687 1 0 Bulgaria ImaginativeImgG.779Imaginative 00

Match 15
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214241 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

213915 1 0 Bulgaria rAmEcrAmEc.594rAmEc 00

Match 16
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214243 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210311 1 0 insignia.490insignia.490 20

Match 17
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213909 1 0 TheeZTheeZ.980TheeZ 00

210315 1 0 kOliO.611kOliO.611 00

Match 18
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214245 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

213055 1 0 Bulgaria gricainemafiata.997gricaine 00

Match 19
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214247 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210905 1 0 MetHiX.755MetHiX.755 00

Match 20
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214249 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210665 1 0 Balanceg.941Balanceg.941 00

Match 21
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214251 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210661 1 0 zletak.460zletak.460 00

Match 22
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214253 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210325 1 0 hwbgLan.529hwbgLan.529 00

Match 23
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214255 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210321 1 0 Thefrozen.539Thefrozen.539 00

Match 24
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214257 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

214215 1 0 BateToshko.577BateToshko.577 20

Match 25
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211221 1 0 xxithappens.413xxithappens.413 00

213171 1 0 Bulgaria limdullimdul.259limdul 00

Match 26
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214259 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210323 1 0 Hemp.589Hemp.589 00

Match 27
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214261 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

212687 1 0 nSxel.332nSxel.332 00

Match 28
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214263 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210327 1 0 FORT.124FORT.124 00

Match 29
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214265 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

211809 1 0 limpbg.882limpbg.882 00

Match 30
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214267 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210309 1 0 jinsusGsP.683jinsusGsP.683 00

Match 31
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214269 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

210839 1 0 Bulgaria scmvsscmvs.362scmvs 00

Match 32
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214271 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

MLG Metalopolis
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 210317 1 1 TMClSplendor.644TMClSplendor.644 20

Match 33
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211805 1 1 Klokotnitza.606Klokotnitza.606 00

210307 1 1 Gnomman.775Gnomman.775 00

Match 34
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210329 1 1 Lucifer.102Lucifer.102 20

211179 1 1 Bulgaria BagerTerranLaStGaMeR.326BagerTerran 00

Match 35
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210667 1 1 TheSoldier.329TheSoldier.329 20

210669 1 1 hwbgJei.817hwbgJei.817 20

Match 36
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211811 1 1 placebo.713placebo.713 00

210161 1 1 Bulgaria zlozleAGzlozle.204zlozle 20

Match 37
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210333 1 1 Leonardo.861Leonardo.861 00

210313 1 1 hate.803hate.803 00

Match 38
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211173 1 1 NotAlone.244NotAlone.244 20

210397 1 1 Bulgaria bOojidar.620bOojidar#620bOojidar.620 20

Match 39
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211807 1 1 raider.352raider.352 00

211687 1 1 Bulgaria ImaginativeImgG.779Imaginative 20

Match 40
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213915 1 1 Bulgaria rAmEcrAmEc.594rAmEc 00

210311 1 1 insignia.490insignia.490 20

Match 41
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210315 1 1 kOliO.611kOliO.611 10

213055 1 1 Bulgaria gricainemafiata.997gricaine 00

Match 42
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210905 1 1 MetHiX.755MetHiX.755 20

210665 1 1 Balanceg.941Balanceg.941 00

Match 43
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210661 1 1 zletak.460zletak.460 20

210325 1 1 hwbgLan.529hwbgLan.529 10

Match 44
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210321 1 1 Thefrozen.539Thefrozen.539 20

214215 1 1 BateToshko.577BateToshko.577 20

Match 45
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213171 1 1 Bulgaria limdullimdul.259limdul 10

210323 1 1 Hemp.589Hemp.589 00

Match 46
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212687 1 1 nSxel.332nSxel.332 20

210327 1 1 FORT.124FORT.124 00

Match 47
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211809 1 1 limpbg.882limpbg.882 20

210309 1 1 jinsusGsP.683jinsusGsP.683 00

Match 48
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210839 1 1 Bulgaria scmvsscmvs.362scmvs 20

MLG Antiga Shipyard
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 210317 1 2 TMClSplendor.644TMClSplendor.644 20

Match 49
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210329 1 2 Lucifer.102Lucifer.102 00

210667 1 2 TheSoldier.329TheSoldier.329 10

Match 50
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210669 1 2 hwbgJei.817hwbgJei.817 20

210161 1 2 Bulgaria zlozleAGzlozle.204zlozle 10

Match 51
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211173 1 2 NotAlone.244NotAlone.244 20

210397 1 2 Bulgaria bOojidar.620bOojidar#620bOojidar.620 00

Match 52
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211687 1 2 Bulgaria ImaginativeImgG.779Imaginative 20

210311 1 2 insignia.490insignia.490 00

Match 53
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210905 1 2 MetHiX.755MetHiX.755 20

210661 1 2 zletak.460zletak.460 20

Match 54
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210321 1 2 Thefrozen.539Thefrozen.539 10

214215 1 2 BateToshko.577BateToshko.577 20

Match 55
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212687 1 2 nSxel.332nSxel.332 10

211809 1 2 limpbg.882limpbg.882 00

Match 56
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210839 1 2 Bulgaria scmvsscmvs.362scmvs 20

MLG Xel'Naga Caverns
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 210317 1 3 TMClSplendor.644TMClSplendor.644 20

Match 57
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210669 1 3 hwbgJei.817hwbgJei.817 00

211173 1 3 NotAlone.244NotAlone.244 20

Match 58
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211687 1 3 Bulgaria ImaginativeImgG.779Imaginative 00

210905 1 3 MetHiX.755MetHiX.755 20

Match 59
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210661 1 3 zletak.460zletak.460 10

214215 1 3 BateToshko.577BateToshko.577 20

Match 60
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210839 1 3 Bulgaria scmvsscmvs.362scmvs 10

MLG Shattered Temple
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 210317 1 4 TMClSplendor.644TMClSplendor.644 20

Match 61
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211173 1 4 NotAlone.244NotAlone.244 10

210905 1 4 MetHiX.755MetHiX.755 00

Match 62
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214215 1 4 BateToshko.577BateToshko.577 20

Nerazim Crypt
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 210317 1 5 TMClSplendor.644TMClSplendor.644 20

Match 63
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214215 1 5 BateToshko.577BateToshko.577 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 210317 1 6 TMClSplendor.644TMClSplendor.644 -