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Best of 3
Fredag 23:00

383683 1 0 PjonkanPjonkan 00

385297 1 0 Sweden spuserstupidincuserstupi.461spuserstupid 20

384995 1 0 GZoHumfluxxGZoHumfluxx 00

383685 1 0 spShellowspShellow 20

384993 1 0 LOvE.679LOvE.679 20

383671 1 0 spDaimaispDaimai 00

384997 1 0 GzoChamie.373GzoChamie.373 20

383687 1 0 spjohaxspjohax 10

Best of 3
Fredag 24:00

Spoiler Free 385297 1 1 Sweden spuserstupidincuserstupi.461spuserstupid 20

383685 1 1 spShellowspShellow 10

384993 1 1 LOvE.679LOvE.679 20

384997 1 1 GzoChamie.373GzoChamie.373 00

Best of 5
Fredagnatt 01:00

Spoiler Free 385297 1 2 Sweden spuserstupidincuserstupi.461spuserstupid 30

384993 1 2 LOvE.679LOvE.679 20

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 385297 1 3 Sweden spuserstupidincuserstupi.461spuserstupid -

3rd Place Match
Best of 5
Lördag 23:00

383685 4 0 spShellowspShellow 00

384997 4 0 GzoChamie.373GzoChamie.373 20

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

384997 4 1 GzoChamie.373GzoChamie.373 -