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WCS Ohanna
Best of 3

764533 1 0 Chile [TØw]NeoProToManPayne.265[TØw]NeoProToMan 20

766615 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

764581 1 0 Dominican Republic [TØw]mercerToWMercer.446[TØw]mercer 00

764530 1 0 Costa Rica [TØw]TheGladiatorTheGladiator251[TØw]TheGladiator 20

765940 1 0 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of [TØw]BugzilaBugzila.267[TØw]Bugzila 20

764641 1 0 Mexico azarroazarro.837azarro 00

764532 1 0 Costa Rica TØwHammerHammer.1243TØwHammer 10

764618 1 0 Mexico [TØw]ScorerScorer.602[TØw]Scorer 20

Distrito de Newkirk
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 764533 1 1 Chile [TØw]NeoProToManPayne.265[TØw]NeoProToMan 00

764530 1 1 Costa Rica [TØw]TheGladiatorTheGladiator251[TØw]TheGladiator 20

765940 1 1 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of [TØw]BugzilaBugzila.267[TØw]Bugzila 00

764618 1 1 Mexico [TØw]ScorerScorer.602[TØw]Scorer 20

Planicies de Akilon
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 764530 1 2 Costa Rica [TØw]TheGladiatorTheGladiator251[TØw]TheGladiator 20

764618 1 2 Mexico [TØw]ScorerScorer.602[TØw]Scorer 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 764530 1 3 Costa Rica [TØw]TheGladiatorTheGladiator251[TØw]TheGladiator -