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Akilon Flats
Best of 3
Between the 18th and 20th

800741 1 0 Hungary BBazsoBBazso.BBazso 10

801407 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

800681 1 0 Hungary TelcontarTelcontar 20

801406 1 0 Hungary NunderNunderBlack#2650Nunder 00

800678 1 0 Hungary KazeKaze040016.2144Kaze 10

801408 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

801267 1 0 Hungary hundaobhundaob 10

801409 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

Cloud Kingdom
Best of 3
Between the 21st and 22nd

Spoiler Free 800741 1 1 Hungary BBazsoBBazso.BBazso 20

800681 1 1 Hungary TelcontarTelcontar 00

800678 1 1 Hungary KazeKaze040016.2144Kaze 20

801267 1 1 Hungary hundaobhundaob 00

Xel'Naga Cavens
Best of 3
On the 23rd

Spoiler Free 800741 1 2 Hungary BBazsoBBazso.BBazso 20

800678 1 2 Hungary KazeKaze040016.2144Kaze 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 800741 1 3 Hungary BBazsoBBazso.BBazso -

Akilon Flats
Best of 3
Between the 19th and 20th

801407 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

801406 2 0 Hungary NunderNunderBlack#2650Nunder 20

801408 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

801409 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 10

Cloud Kingdom
Best of 3
Between the 21st and 22nd

Spoiler Free 801267 2 1 Hungary hundaobhundaob 20

Match 10
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Spoiler Free 801406 2 1 Hungary NunderNunderBlack#2650Nunder 00

Spoiler Free 800681 2 1 Hungary TelcontarTelcontar 10

Match 11
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801409 2 1 FreeWinFreeWin 00

Ohana LE
Best of 3
On the 23rd

Spoiler Free 801267 2 2 Hungary hundaobhundaob 20

Match 12
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800681 2 2 Hungary TelcontarTelcontar 00

Xel'Naga Cavens
Best of 3
On the 23rd

Spoiler Free 800678 2 3 Hungary KazeKaze040016.2144Kaze 20

Match 13
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Spoiler Free 801267 2 3 Hungary hundaobhundaob 00

Round 5
Best of 1

Spoiler Free 800678 2 4 Hungary KazeKaze040016.2144Kaze -

Newkirk District
Best of 5
On the 24rd

Spoiler Free 800741 3 0 Hungary BBazsoBBazso.BBazso 3

Match 14
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Spoiler Free 800678 3 0 Hungary KazeKaze040016.2144Kaze 0

Newkirk District
Best of 5
On the 24rd

Spoiler Free 800741 3 1 Hungary BBazsoBBazso.BBazso -