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Company of Heroes1. CoH-Turnier

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Best of 3

752458 1 0 Germany IglitareIglitare 00

752456 1 0 Germany C4PS41C1NC4PS41C1N 20

752441 1 0 Germany XXXDerOzelotXXXXXXDerOzelotXXX 20

752463 1 0 Germany DerLeichensoldatDerLeichensoldat 00

752483 1 0 Germany MoEpP1338MoEpP1338 20

752480 1 0 Germany LuftbahnfahrerxXLuftbahnfahrerxX 00

752460 1 0 Germany MexMex 00

752465 1 0 Germany ErdbeersaftErdbeersaft 20

752457 1 0 Germany CaptainFuture1982CaptainFuture1982 20

752462 1 0 Germany TotalWarTotalWar 10

752459 1 0 Germany CDS26CDS26 10

752478 1 0 Austria SmurfWolfSmurfWolf 20

752464 1 0 Germany meVSu2meVSu2 00

752461 1 0 Germany GeneralFanaticGeneralFanatic 20

752479 1 0 Germany SSPzDivLSSAHSSPzDivLSSAH 00

752477 1 0 Germany HelmututututHelmutututut 20

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752456 1 1 Germany C4PS41C1NC4PS41C1N 00

752441 1 1 Germany XXXDerOzelotXXXXXXDerOzelotXXX 20

752483 1 1 Germany MoEpP1338MoEpP1338 20

Match 10
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752465 1 1 Germany ErdbeersaftErdbeersaft 00

752457 1 1 Germany CaptainFuture1982CaptainFuture1982 20

Match 11
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752478 1 1 Austria SmurfWolfSmurfWolf 10

752461 1 1 Germany GeneralFanaticGeneralFanatic 20

Match 12
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752477 1 1 Germany HelmututututHelmutututut 00

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752441 1 2 Germany XXXDerOzelotXXXXXXDerOzelotXXX 00

Match 13
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752483 1 2 Germany MoEpP1338MoEpP1338 20

752457 1 2 Germany CaptainFuture1982CaptainFuture1982 00

Match 14
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752461 1 2 Germany GeneralFanaticGeneralFanatic 20

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752483 1 3 Germany MoEpP1338MoEpP1338 10

Match 15
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752461 1 3 Germany GeneralFanaticGeneralFanatic 20

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 752461 1 4 Germany GeneralFanaticGeneralFanatic -

Round 1
Best of 3

752458 2 0 Germany IglitareIglitare 00

Match 16
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752463 2 0 Germany DerLeichensoldatDerLeichensoldat 20

752480 2 0 Germany LuftbahnfahrerxXLuftbahnfahrerxX 20

Match 17
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752460 2 0 Germany MexMex 00

752462 2 0 Germany TotalWarTotalWar 20

Match 18
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752459 2 0 Germany CDS26CDS26 00

752464 2 0 Germany meVSu2meVSu2 20

Match 19
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752479 2 0 Germany SSPzDivLSSAHSSPzDivLSSAH 00

Round 2
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752478 2 1 Austria SmurfWolfSmurfWolf 20

Match 20
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Spoiler Free 752463 2 1 Germany DerLeichensoldatDerLeichensoldat 00

Spoiler Free 752477 2 1 Germany HelmututututHelmutututut 00

Match 21
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752480 2 1 Germany LuftbahnfahrerxXLuftbahnfahrerxX 20

Spoiler Free 752456 2 1 Germany C4PS41C1NC4PS41C1N 00

Match 22
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752462 2 1 Germany TotalWarTotalWar 20

Spoiler Free 752465 2 1 Germany ErdbeersaftErdbeersaft 20

Match 23
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752464 2 1 Germany meVSu2meVSu2 10

Round 3
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752478 2 2 Austria SmurfWolfSmurfWolf 20

Match 24
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752480 2 2 Germany LuftbahnfahrerxXLuftbahnfahrerxX 00

752462 2 2 Germany TotalWarTotalWar 20

Match 25
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752465 2 2 Germany ErdbeersaftErdbeersaft 00

Round 4
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752441 2 3 Germany XXXDerOzelotXXXXXXDerOzelotXXX 20

Match 26
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Spoiler Free 752478 2 3 Austria SmurfWolfSmurfWolf 00

Spoiler Free 752457 2 3 Germany CaptainFuture1982CaptainFuture1982 00

Match 27
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752462 2 3 Germany TotalWarTotalWar 20

Round 5
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752441 2 4 Germany XXXDerOzelotXXXXXXDerOzelotXXX 00

Match 28
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752462 2 4 Germany TotalWarTotalWar 20

Round 6
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752483 2 5 Germany MoEpP1338MoEpP1338 20

Match 29
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Spoiler Free 752462 2 5 Germany TotalWarTotalWar 00

Round 7
Best of 1

Spoiler Free 752483 2 6 Germany MoEpP1338MoEpP1338 -

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 752461 3 0 Germany GeneralFanaticGeneralFanatic 0

Match 30

Spoiler Free 752483 3 0 Germany MoEpP1338MoEpP1338 0

Best of 3

0 -

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