708924 1 0 Best Soul*T* adifius, Gamax, ZboyX, DarkCut, Szaro SZ. *S*: ShadowLight69, StrangeFatexD.Best Soul 00
699667 1 0 Chele BoysTitulares: Erik Stand, YzakStand, Falkox, Zh3d, Nighthunter190. *Sups*: Alex Mcloud, Luckless charmChele Boys 20
699722 1 0 Chilean PrideTitulares: edhux, Tarikk, Spotted Soul, matiazuLDA, Diraker. *Sups*: AmfkChilean Pride 20
699688 1 0 Dangerous DegreesTitulares: Kraventhorn, Dyn Shelko, Aauxz Capel, Menende, Rapu.Dangerous Degrees 00
700878 1 0 Artillery Gaming*T*: Blaz EEEEEE , Manic Psycho , SiebbenList , Mahjal , Zeniack ,*S* 93: Million Miles , bl0wtuzArtillery Gaming 00
699662 1 0 isurus GamingT*: isG Eriendel,isG Gearszero,isG Priest,elysiumpokerstar,Dragonblackheart. *S*: isG CasualSonaisurus Gaming 20
700093 1 0 EpicCamelsTitulares: R3v3R, LB509, DrLein, tukanico, KillerZorox. *Sups*: Klasje, SoyPowerito.EpicCamels 00
699646 1 0 Bloody BreakersTitulares: Xtegos, Carl0z, wiLa Unborn, Wosniack, XolvoreDMonkey. *Sups*: pachisaurioBloody Breakers 20
699829 1 0 GameOver TeamTitulares: Roker22, Wudios, MagisterCL, P4nzerCh1CO. *Sups*: SargeK, Zubehor, Phamta.GameOver Team 00
700870 1 0 Chilean fEedEeRs*T*esp hynan - JPPG - isasi- felipheroot y hellbeakChilean fEedEeRs 20
Punto cL*T* / dmetter, elput3r0, unko dominating, mrkn0witall y r0adside *S*: pitonizoPunto cL
708929 1 0 FxAGaming*T* Eloid NexusL33T Excail Goodiee Dasr *S* GoshtinthefogFxAGaming 20
700872 1 0 A Yordle Stole my Kill*T*: Nauriem, Squallbrea, Zaphiire, Nyarlatho, Zephyrus2k, *S* ElGatoReyna y BowoA Yordle Stole my Kill 20
708916 1 0 SexyReicks*T*: Roldannn, Lnkzz, ZpTxus, xpressium, xCorruptedx. *S*: K0DRGAGG, Jahker.SexyReicks 00
699962 1 0 Clan ChiletumadreTitulares: Gourry g, mojito24, DarkFraijat, TheJeeP, Sebaw Nies. *Sups*: PalahausenClan Chiletumadre 20
700885 1 0 DarkxTeam*T*: DarkxKen , LinxJC , UMAD x Unk , iSharpie, DiegosSt , S*: incari, diego2531DarkxTeam 00
708917 1 0 Generación X*T* k3nsou /Tigerdark / ZeroxLaEsencia/ Blacksfatum /Pekeniia *S* mariaw0w /Piex14Generación X 20
703524 1 0 Auf Wiedersehen Elo T* : Calheira / Rheat / Buff Plox / Sega90 / Carreta500Auf Wiedersehen Elo 00
700102 1 0 Genovians*T*: Clau,Gale07 , Karstile, Larnder, Compulsiivo. *Sups*: gaaaagrr, ClaudiooyarceGenovians 20
700084 1 0 DerrubiansTitulares: Nanglaur, DarmerX, Realskull, Hertwig, Liwapkr. *S*: DarmerX, NanglaurDerrubians 00
700857 1 0 GrandeDoggisT*: monketheluffy ,kayross , flamero , luckystrikeCS , igorabarzuaGrandeDoggis 00
700884 1 0 Gank Bot Plz*T*: Danielwlife DakeZin LinkOz Osomistery Nanguix *T*: Ninrys DreadgnouthGank Bot Plz 20
700877 1 0 Demons Empire*T: *MdTolk, Inlobo , AseXadoR, UberDraiz, Aryskro, *S*: Regleta y AnggeloDemons Empire 00
707925 1 0 Avant Garde*T* eLPatox, NefiU, zatee, padrinosky, Fumobix. *S*: qEseeme, buugbear.Avant Garde 20
699723 1 0 KatarsisTitulares: Kiros Vander, o0Tenshi0o, xXxAronxXx, Manekinekoro, Housuke.Katarsis 00
699471 1 0 JaiEloTitulares: DragoStyle, Zulajax, Reption, Kannito, Elrosadito *Sups*: Aufban, XilencerJaiElo 20
700099 1 0 Jas Pen leinTitulares: Fallenosky - Dskiziado - Melns - Tashah - Zarkyrtex *S*: Sn4ptat3hJas Pen lein 20
710456 1 0 Estigias Squad*T*: elbistec / Zeroxman / pechis / Menethor / Fhiem *S*: Sebas0101 / voromeEstigias Squad 00
708925 1 0 Gamers of DOOM*T* -BlacKDem0n -lxGhosTWoFxl -XxHeLLoWeeNxX -Xalow -DrummmerrGamers of DOOM 00
700098 1 0 M2TheAnnieTitulares: Shakita Gemiknight Search one MurderX UnderFlow *Sups*: JennXM2TheAnnie 20
Guate502T*: Caarce94 / Skullcachi /Shagylightking /Naniox17 /Biboom *S*: /Shadjp/Linchau7Guate502
700094 1 0 DealExtreme GamingTitulares: Focss, Kuzux, Icebringeru, drilol, Domdox, xXTemucoXxDealExtreme Gaming 00
700879 1 0 Mafia Chilena*T*: XikoTeleco , chanutox , kaz0o , midochan , iluminatic ,Mafia Chilena 00
699902 1 0 Avalon HeroesTitulares: Balmungs, Grandfachile, ÐazH, rockmanfun, Hipiti. *Sups*: Migrain, Dackter.Avalon Heroes 20
699958 1 0 Five SensesTitulares: Myge, Jaaavieer, Thansokaa, Emziiling, Kipap. *Sups*: JustAwake.Five Senses 20
700087 1 0 Con-Con FiveTitulares: Veelaskez, Ruubio, Kulczewski, corralitou, Improvisedcl. *Sups*: Bayron911GT, tempnameb44Con-Con Five 00
Chilean Team MasacreTitulares: Widuk, LeTE21, MarpH, BSmert, Falcoh *Sups*: Saito Gunther, Farilayox.Chilean Team Masacre
Hydroxiapatita CaOHTitulares: Titoh, Aggresin, Darkriper, Moteconhuesillo, Patricio Estrell. *Sups*: Evilowner, RiboxHydroxiapatita CaOH
700862 1 0 Focus BobbyT*: Xtrinox, Simon Brezhnev, Death6xx, Bobbydelboom, OzamahxFocus Bobby 10
700851 1 0 DeadlyHussars*T*: alquit , Psicotico21 , VerMiLioNx , aukargeru , xhalmex *S*:Goldensun3 , matsuyama hikaruDeadlyHussars 20
700854 1 0 Legión De Poderosos Guerrerost*: hecnavar - juaarave - Qimico - aeliaiactaest - ronnixd *S*:Suigetzu - putolagLegión De Poderosos Guerreros 00
LTC PastaTitulares: DerSturmer, D3s3nfr3n4do, Ladilla, theHearthBreaker, Amudiel666. *Sups*: Vicarious2112.LTC Pasta
700865 1 0 Haskan HoskonT*: basup , carlitoZNF , Sneem , Flavion ,GranChango S*: Daviiss , El MarloHaskan Hoskon 00
701399 1 0 Clan Rico*T*: Condetumadre Trapito Dakezin El Tropicaliente Susvourtre suplentes Toolcito BambasticoClan Rico 20
700086 1 0 Knights of AvalonTitulares: OdínX, aNTILIUS, MiVidadePandah, LeetL, xonilinkx. *Sups*: Sukemon, Phisicx.Knights of Avalon 20
700007 1 0 infecteD TeamTitulares: Santy, zH shei, Lake8, zH Saga, davehackeR.infecteD Team 00
700088 1 0 NINjASureTitulares: f u c k t i o n, wimph, slowyk, g0tch4, THExPERFECTx. *Sups*: bytuko.NINjASure 00
699989 1 0 HALCONESTitulares: Radhamantis, Sirth Luxx, locoo bielsa, Mousinho, Knight Nico. *Sups*: Piscola Onfaia, HALCONES 20
699904 1 0 shocKReadyTitulares: janinhoo, sEBa luArtt, fxsss, Marksss, fubuki. *Sups*: kouky, tehx95shocKReady 20
708922 1 0 Mosca sin Alas*T* Kinpa Alva DoinYourMom Childish Invoker Valaravaus RanceClair *S* hsingli NataliaahMosca sin Alas 00
Team ValoranTitulares: Snakin,Valoran Chalaa, Valoran Houder, Valoran Hesufo, Lord Nasher *Sups: Diochi.Team Valoran
Lavanda GamingTitulares: Juliostito, LvG Vilü, Vairas, LvG Satanicrust, nitrôx. *Suplentes*: lfante, amnaëlLavanda Gaming
699905 1 0 OutPlayedTitulares: Tacticas, KillThmAll, soulxreaper99, Crecens, Th3t0yM4st3r.OutPlayed 20
700882 1 0 Longinus Riders*T*: Eryolen , NahauX , Dancingshoot , ThePunischer2 , MetacKnight *S*: Ahrien , DemikunLonginus Riders 00
RamD ChemicalTitulares: Bishkamu, Decaainn, kako23, MarioUc, MouroAlunso. *Sups*: Stuxs, Iceshot477RamD Chemical
710453 1 0 Kill Steal Chile*T*: Ks Devil / Ks Angmachine / UfPipa / TheOddRaynor / Macrodeee Jugadores *S*: Kakoing / ZiosKill Steal Chile 20
710455 1 0 ReaperZz*T*: dANY7 / Supertigrex / XxDesertoxX / Metakiller12 / Xtreamfell / *S* : Zero kayzerReaperZz 00
700858 1 0 Los Angeles de PorroxOliwi2131 , Zhiott, Tensa Sangetzu, Findex, rtv RorroxLos Angeles de Porrox 20
700863 1 0 Niani eSportsT*: Kelbeks , Misaevah , WindAphrodite , ggdoom , Muvlakai *S*: Hyusu , Project100Niani eSports 20
700867 1 0 Ninjas Zero*T*: R0ckSt4r , DuckSh1t , De4thMachine , GrOxitOx , AswayNinjas Zero 00
Infinity GamingT: enfleX , Triicky , Kor3h , TkgCl SpiderCL , Elterribl3, S: Gntzx.Infinity Gaming
Mex SoldieRs*T*:- Zelda Yagami - xFWolf - Mangekyou Sha - B r 1 D g 3 - Ares9mm. *S*: thebestnoob2, VisperodMex SoldieRs
700103 1 0 Silent Beasts*T*: Not Solid Snake, EroFerchin, Giei, Wally The Flash, Cold. *S*:BaljetSilent Beasts 20
699987 1 0 Osito TeamTitulares: Akkaia - DaJeong - Dellmy - Donttrue - LordVexing *Sups*: DevilgarvOsito Team 00
LegendBloodTítulares: BienVerde/ Astherion/ gatohxc/ Morrisonn100/ Antilius/ Reserva: xxxcristianxxx/ SuzakiwiLegendBlood
708920 1 0 No le peguen al wally*T* : sekopeleko, wetzor, Dizeex, Kazaann, Arkselef *S* Nikofx, BladedaveNo le peguen al wally 20
701394 1 0 Midnight Madness GXT*: Tiky Mik / 3lyzaboth / Schmuel / eiziel / FlamaGOD S*: Akirasouske, watch and IearnMidnight Madness GX 20
700010 1 0 Only playTitulares: Markshall, Zmayer, Rodrigo955, 5Cruzado5, Kyrlia. *Sups*: Leniss, Psyduck007Only play 00
700090 1 0 SeXandBlueSTitulares: PLomaz0, Mtión, Hadrye, Tdxoz, ZHAIKO, ROXANATORBISCOAS. *Sups*: Kioxito, 60nt4.SeXandBlueS 20
708931 1 0 Resurrección Z*T* Nero Souta xDaroo XxGeraldoxX Risinwi Haniheika *S* tralalalaxd OuyouResurrección Z 00
699961 1 0 Latin American Gamer EvoTitulares: Euro summoner, Tikiwii, Ka0oSs, Gooeas, Kenshin7. *Sups*: Chayavientos, Frozen siegfried.Latin American Gamer Evo 00
Main Trick*T*:Keyden,rupit,Palmex,Lomu cl,Striff3r S*: Moncks, Chileno0Main Trick
703531 1 0 Team MazorcaT*: Sokratis1 / Krhonoz / Raikx / chocotuquito / Kamfor S*: Blindek / vodkaheladitoTeam Mazorca 00
700091 1 0 Selk'nam TeamTitulares: Gauen, Yikizii, Heryudin, Linkzely, Barkano. *Sups*: Dabuzzer, Delincuencia.Selk'nam Team 20
LM SkyFallTitulares: LM Excalibur, LM Caelestis, LM Thanatos, LM Chincoy, LM Wuldrof.LM SkyFall
700006 1 0 Chilean Crazy GamingTitulares: Tsukuyomi00, Nakroz,kan0live, thed3z, nanguix *Sups*: mividadepandah.Chilean Crazy Gaming 20
699470 1 0 OnGameTitulares: StyLo18K; BeldenTs2; AaronCho; jUgaBonItO; PlayBoyAr. *Sups: Maped; FulanitoOnGame 20
700089 1 0 Osito TeamTitulares: Akkaia - DaJeong - Dellmy - Donttrue - LordVexing *Sups*: DevilgarvOsito Team 00
Phoenix eSportTitulares: BullaQ - Cachero - padrinosky - Bambastico - Tobit0. *Sups*: Neverrrrr - Cyrus10Phoenix eSport
700009 1 0 TeaM BlaSTerTitulares: LinkinBlaSTer BlackBlaSTer RainBlaSTer XXMorteEtDaboXX Trick in the HatTeaM BlaSTer 00
700856 1 0 Team NORT AMERICA*T*: eldesturctor2010, TrafalWar,DrakusDreamwalke,jerga,silenceheroexTeam NORT AMERICA 00
699956 1 0 Team SupTentaCleSTitulares: LuizKrloz, Chingoku, IWozitoI, Waa1Police, Danaik3D. *Suplentes*: Madz3DTeam SupTentaCleS 20
700861 1 0 Loleros Del MalT*: Forever Toddy , Kreizedkm , DarckNico , Soyeroman87 , Tunator *S*: Sebaxlml , Tatank11Loleros Del Mal 00
700850 1 0 Team RoKiTas*T*: Steelow, Kalexsir, preceptionxd, DementeSecroz, vypeerx *S*: Savup, HuitsiloxTeam RoKiTas 20
701397 1 0 TEAM CLFIVET*: Gh0xt / North Murderer / xtendex / ronnixd / Matt Salvaje S*: Wanzx / VeelaskezTEAM CLFIVE 00
699469 1 0 SLOW TEAMTitulares: Takato Okami; Nerem; Dat Maniacc; XxPrOxX069; Necro Abbath. *S*: HurarixSLOW TEAM 20
704485 1 0 Los Mas Malos*T*: Sytbarret / MegaWiffly / ivohydesama /ForDestruction /LubertaLos Mas Malos 00
710458 1 0 SpellcastersT*: Soullessknight1 / phantom wolf / xoxzoroxox / Colmillo Blanco / sirsendek /*S*= Kaiser1, leirwizSpellcasters 20
699975 1 0 Team AboutTitulares: Valleyreqyuiem, gfx1, Angelols, matiah, Nicoinnho.Team About 00
699468 1 0 Osito TeamTitulares: Akkaia - DaJeong - Dellmy - Donttrue - LordVexing *Sups*: DevilgarvOsito Team 20
701388 1 0 Team UnconcernT*: zeuqsav - Maarcoooh - porriwi - Gondonzalo - MarkoOkimpo. *S*:Joonaa, PatobadTeam Unconcern 00
700864 1 0 Strategic Charros Gaming*T*: Floggersyytho , Lorek Byrnisons , huguitobear , BDNAKATA , kiirk *S*: evil punisher , theStrategic Charros Gaming 20
710460 1 0 Team Huskies*T* : Sambork / Serphiente / DonChubi / The Tankard / wepil *S* / Socram29 / TamerusTeam Huskies 20
700008 1 0 NTNSTitulares: UnNickChevere, T3rco, HimuraTTFu, Ownedsito, 2beVixo. *Sups*: BEASTEK, IjustplayadcNTNS 00
699959 1 0 Los CarloHTitulares: Kingiamond99, ingwè Elanessè, xxxbrainto2xxx, fox93, AKICHITA. *Sups*: ArcArl, Tirael1.Los CarloH 20
700096 1 0 Teemos Asesinos Titulares: Bruja Cósmica, Akí, shadowdio, Firel, BFCrow. *Sups*: Zeropillo, cocolizo.Teemos Asesinos 00
699974 1 0 Team TamaulipasTitulares: xGs ArmedNomikon, Xavy Becker, Azahel10, TitoMacabro, Mastersosoka. *Sups*: StOry, DragoTeam Tamaulipas 20
700859 1 0 Easy RushT: Shulz , Geraxz , Whiteshot , Treknight , Diegomuu ,S*: Surturw , ExesivEasy Rush 00
708930 1 0 The ExecuttorsTwwelveStones, Bubli, Hertwig, Draenein, Gonsgo.The Executtors 00
700100 1 0 The Dark Fox.Titulares: Thaziel, crowley, Micl Pro, NaXhoZz, Arcanite840. *Sups*: sanrok, L3BR14N.The Dark Fox. 20
700880 1 0 Team Opes y FidiadosLastMeteor , Ksheroelaspampas , Sakeboy , grilluzzz , On1mush4 , Neo0vizard , SandungTeam Opes y Fidiados 00
699726 1 0 The Name Doesnt MatterAxKhan, RedDrakez, Kenshins, Vainglory, Marlonchara. *Sups*: The DarkDeathThe Name Doesnt Matter 20
700849 1 0 task force 141T*:xshockwavex, joxse, incop, jalclows, Revivall *S*: DawFallxNego, penastrotask force 141 20
700095 1 0 Team Del TerrorEnergy Volt Mesudaunkoko SethE Kullmanchote Zukoyuz *Sups*: Trafalgard ShurakTeam Del Terror 00
Sin RespetoTitulares: krispoman; xhorty; Noaomi; ELSEBAXD; Slakyx. *Suplentes*: Fouerex; shiceSin Respeto
701391 1 0 the 5 lottusT*: gambito359 , nirvicho , zoerper , colt Gstv , claudioohz , S*: jacethems , raponchi25the 5 lottus 00
703526 1 0 Sexy Legendary DogsT*: KanutoAleDelfin / PAMZ /Kikinozo/ Corna13 / 77Oso77Wilmer / S*: MalpitaSexy Legendary Dogs 20
700011 1 0 The last prophetsTitulares: FuseDjRaUl, V U R R O, xTyphloSion, RainingBlood, Arthur Ledger. *Sups*: YugOZK, Boom23.The last prophets 00
708921 1 0 The Rev AvengersCriss115, GuaripoloRawwr, Synysterpupe, , jimmysevenfold, Shadow226 *S* Sakuraky, xCreatorlandThe Rev Avengers 20
700876 1 0 Team AsuraT*: Keyden - Guachimingo - Zeb4 - Xhavo - DFalkus - *S*: w1roxTeam Asura 00
699831 1 0 TheBumfighters teamTitulares: Rastagates, VVVVVVV, fasorc, alanstoc, FunkyBrother. *Sups*: Luchoni, propict.TheBumfighters team 20
700860 1 0 Team NorthCLT*: ZherowalkCL , Fakiiiu , Lickes , sirfeat , Sydenk *S*: bravoxproTeam NorthCL 00
Team Over WinningTitulares: Lance40, Crackcl, CepeOnfire, Bounder, ergumbito. *Sups*: Levrol, Wiisep.Team Over Winning
700883 1 0 Souls ReapersT*: Rondersito , Codicia231 , RenaultFuego , DeltaDan93 , Krabula *S*:Yayatoure , andyliscoSouls Reapers 00
700853 1 0 Time To FapT*: Toriber , Wroullyn , Rivarola7 , Mesie , Ryodan16Time To Fap 20
700874 1 0 Uber Team*T*: UberZlush , UberDraiz , UberZerk ,UberHell ,AcidBullets ,*S*: GtSilverback ,KurlsokUber Team 00
700881 1 0 The Huarriors *T*: taf0, d3s7r0y, zurieloc, kakuseicha, sonn3The Huarriors 20
708923 1 0 TheDragonKnights*T* Ian Chileno / LordofReqieM /IpManWingTsun/ Lord Skade/ Krathosville / *S* 0ShAdE0/ VastornTheDragonKnights 00
699991 1 0 un team cualquieraCORNUDO,NUGAARG,Provicioso,bisuu,t00bi,Brun0. *Sups*: legendaadyun team cualquiera 00
708928 1 0 ZevenGamers*T* Seitse Kapranov, LocoFreddy, YaseeeK, Jóshe, SaguaRico. *S* Péluca, JordaN612ZevenGamers 20
701396 1 0 Unlimited GamingT*: Cocolizo, xx02, L A T Í N , RichiK , Lokhizo S*: Nekotaiga, ExelciUnlimited Gaming 20
710843 1 0 Venezuela Style Team(titulares) JCR7, Laconchax,AbrahamVII,M4lditO, RIPLS (reservas) MGShiro, Diegoz On.Venezuela Style Team 00
699999 1 0 Gosu All StarsTitulares: NikeZ, Kazekingu, Mithos Sky, LaharlFatuS, DeadQQ.Gosu All Stars 20
699993 1 0 Virtus LegionTitulares: Tishuku, Tomsakoch, Malheven, Lesmart, Valhallaa. *Sups*: Matup.Virtus Legion 00
700104 1 0 Team Plug and WinTitulares: MrIlidan, ElCacoMan, Kazhim, Xiky, Krayus. *Sups*: unluckyaa, Juhnnn.Team Plug and Win 20
700085 1 0 Whisky Lovers*T*: Forgimaster, Arkaether, MassiveMurderer, L4bel, Kacox. *S*: Olacaron, SeferLeight.Whisky Lovers 00
700866 1 0 WTF TeamT*: 223620435p , Maap , Feede96 , Sky Legends , Sukze *S*: Anghquirash , Blueman the badWTF Team 00
700092 1 0 xMadScreamxTitulares: Eisens Ramstein, Ryoga shiki, diabochile, Lechero2129, Nyx RamsteinxMadScreamx 20
Spoiler Free 699667 1 1 Chele BoysTitulares: Erik Stand, YzakStand, Falkox, Zh3d, Nighthunter190. *Sups*: Alex Mcloud, Luckless charmChele Boys 20
699722 1 1 Chilean PrideTitulares: edhux, Tarikk, Spotted Soul, matiazuLDA, Diraker. *Sups*: AmfkChilean Pride 00
699662 1 1 isurus GamingT*: isG Eriendel,isG Gearszero,isG Priest,elysiumpokerstar,Dragonblackheart. *S*: isG CasualSonaisurus Gaming 20
699646 1 1 Bloody BreakersTitulares: Xtegos, Carl0z, wiLa Unborn, Wosniack, XolvoreDMonkey. *Sups*: pachisaurioBloody Breakers 10
700870 1 1 Chilean fEedEeRs*T*esp hynan - JPPG - isasi- felipheroot y hellbeakChilean fEedEeRs 00
708929 1 1 FxAGaming*T* Eloid NexusL33T Excail Goodiee Dasr *S* GoshtinthefogFxAGaming 20
700872 1 1 A Yordle Stole my Kill*T*: Nauriem, Squallbrea, Zaphiire, Nyarlatho, Zephyrus2k, *S* ElGatoReyna y BowoA Yordle Stole my Kill 20
699962 1 1 Clan ChiletumadreTitulares: Gourry g, mojito24, DarkFraijat, TheJeeP, Sebaw Nies. *Sups*: PalahausenClan Chiletumadre 00
708917 1 1 Generación X*T* k3nsou /Tigerdark / ZeroxLaEsencia/ Blacksfatum /Pekeniia *S* mariaw0w /Piex14Generación X 20
700102 1 1 Genovians*T*: Clau,Gale07 , Karstile, Larnder, Compulsiivo. *Sups*: gaaaagrr, ClaudiooyarceGenovians 00
700884 1 1 Gank Bot Plz*T*: Danielwlife DakeZin LinkOz Osomistery Nanguix *T*: Ninrys DreadgnouthGank Bot Plz 00
707925 1 1 Avant Garde*T* eLPatox, NefiU, zatee, padrinosky, Fumobix. *S*: qEseeme, buugbear.Avant Garde 20
699471 1 1 JaiEloTitulares: DragoStyle, Zulajax, Reption, Kannito, Elrosadito *Sups*: Aufban, XilencerJaiElo 20
700099 1 1 Jas Pen leinTitulares: Fallenosky - Dskiziado - Melns - Tashah - Zarkyrtex *S*: Sn4ptat3hJas Pen lein 10
700098 1 1 M2TheAnnieTitulares: Shakita Gemiknight Search one MurderX UnderFlow *Sups*: JennXM2TheAnnie 20
Guate502T*: Caarce94 / Skullcachi /Shagylightking /Naniox17 /Biboom *S*: /Shadjp/Linchau7Guate502
699902 1 1 Avalon HeroesTitulares: Balmungs, Grandfachile, ÐazH, rockmanfun, Hipiti. *Sups*: Migrain, Dackter.Avalon Heroes 00
699958 1 1 Five SensesTitulares: Myge, Jaaavieer, Thansokaa, Emziiling, Kipap. *Sups*: JustAwake.Five Senses 20
Hydroxiapatita CaOHTitulares: Titoh, Aggresin, Darkriper, Moteconhuesillo, Patricio Estrell. *Sups*: Evilowner, RiboxHydroxiapatita CaOH
700851 1 1 DeadlyHussars*T*: alquit , Psicotico21 , VerMiLioNx , aukargeru , xhalmex *S*:Goldensun3 , matsuyama hikaruDeadlyHussars 00
LTC PastaTitulares: DerSturmer, D3s3nfr3n4do, Ladilla, theHearthBreaker, Amudiel666. *Sups*: Vicarious2112.LTC Pasta
701399 1 1 Clan Rico*T*: Condetumadre Trapito Dakezin El Tropicaliente Susvourtre suplentes Toolcito BambasticoClan Rico 20
700086 1 1 Knights of AvalonTitulares: OdínX, aNTILIUS, MiVidadePandah, LeetL, xonilinkx. *Sups*: Sukemon, Phisicx.Knights of Avalon 20
699989 1 1 HALCONESTitulares: Radhamantis, Sirth Luxx, locoo bielsa, Mousinho, Knight Nico. *Sups*: Piscola Onfaia, HALCONES 10
699904 1 1 shocKReadyTitulares: janinhoo, sEBa luArtt, fxsss, Marksss, fubuki. *Sups*: kouky, tehx95shocKReady 00
Lavanda GamingTitulares: Juliostito, LvG Vilü, Vairas, LvG Satanicrust, nitrôx. *Suplentes*: lfante, amnaëlLavanda Gaming
699905 1 1 OutPlayedTitulares: Tacticas, KillThmAll, soulxreaper99, Crecens, Th3t0yM4st3r.OutPlayed 20
710453 1 1 Kill Steal Chile*T*: Ks Devil / Ks Angmachine / UfPipa / TheOddRaynor / Macrodeee Jugadores *S*: Kakoing / ZiosKill Steal Chile 00
700858 1 1 Los Angeles de PorroxOliwi2131 , Zhiott, Tensa Sangetzu, Findex, rtv RorroxLos Angeles de Porrox 00
700863 1 1 Niani eSportsT*: Kelbeks , Misaevah , WindAphrodite , ggdoom , Muvlakai *S*: Hyusu , Project100Niani eSports 20
Infinity GamingT: enfleX , Triicky , Kor3h , TkgCl SpiderCL , Elterribl3, S: Gntzx.Infinity Gaming
700103 1 1 Silent Beasts*T*: Not Solid Snake, EroFerchin, Giei, Wally The Flash, Cold. *S*:BaljetSilent Beasts 00
708920 1 1 No le peguen al wally*T* : sekopeleko, wetzor, Dizeex, Kazaann, Arkselef *S* Nikofx, BladedaveNo le peguen al wally 00
701394 1 1 Midnight Madness GXT*: Tiky Mik / 3lyzaboth / Schmuel / eiziel / FlamaGOD S*: Akirasouske, watch and IearnMidnight Madness GX 20
700090 1 1 SeXandBlueSTitulares: PLomaz0, Mtión, Hadrye, Tdxoz, ZHAIKO, ROXANATORBISCOAS. *Sups*: Kioxito, 60nt4.SeXandBlueS 00
Main Trick*T*:Keyden,rupit,Palmex,Lomu cl,Striff3r S*: Moncks, Chileno0Main Trick
700091 1 1 Selk'nam TeamTitulares: Gauen, Yikizii, Heryudin, Linkzely, Barkano. *Sups*: Dabuzzer, Delincuencia.Selk'nam Team 00
700006 1 1 Chilean Crazy GamingTitulares: Tsukuyomi00, Nakroz,kan0live, thed3z, nanguix *Sups*: mividadepandah.Chilean Crazy Gaming 20
699470 1 1 OnGameTitulares: StyLo18K; BeldenTs2; AaronCho; jUgaBonItO; PlayBoyAr. *Sups: Maped; FulanitoOnGame 00
Phoenix eSportTitulares: BullaQ - Cachero - padrinosky - Bambastico - Tobit0. *Sups*: Neverrrrr - Cyrus10Phoenix eSport
699956 1 1 Team SupTentaCleSTitulares: LuizKrloz, Chingoku, IWozitoI, Waa1Police, Danaik3D. *Suplentes*: Madz3DTeam SupTentaCleS 20
700850 1 1 Team RoKiTas*T*: Steelow, Kalexsir, preceptionxd, DementeSecroz, vypeerx *S*: Savup, HuitsiloxTeam RoKiTas 00
699469 1 1 SLOW TEAMTitulares: Takato Okami; Nerem; Dat Maniacc; XxPrOxX069; Necro Abbath. *S*: HurarixSLOW TEAM 20
710458 1 1 SpellcastersT*: Soullessknight1 / phantom wolf / xoxzoroxox / Colmillo Blanco / sirsendek /*S*= Kaiser1, leirwizSpellcasters 00
699468 1 1 Osito TeamTitulares: Akkaia - DaJeong - Dellmy - Donttrue - LordVexing *Sups*: DevilgarvOsito Team 00
700864 1 1 Strategic Charros Gaming*T*: Floggersyytho , Lorek Byrnisons , huguitobear , BDNAKATA , kiirk *S*: evil punisher , theStrategic Charros Gaming 20
710460 1 1 Team Huskies*T* : Sambork / Serphiente / DonChubi / The Tankard / wepil *S* / Socram29 / TamerusTeam Huskies 00
699959 1 1 Los CarloHTitulares: Kingiamond99, ingwè Elanessè, xxxbrainto2xxx, fox93, AKICHITA. *Sups*: ArcArl, Tirael1.Los CarloH 20
699974 1 1 Team TamaulipasTitulares: xGs ArmedNomikon, Xavy Becker, Azahel10, TitoMacabro, Mastersosoka. *Sups*: StOry, DragoTeam Tamaulipas 00
700100 1 1 The Dark Fox.Titulares: Thaziel, crowley, Micl Pro, NaXhoZz, Arcanite840. *Sups*: sanrok, L3BR14N.The Dark Fox. 20
699726 1 1 The Name Doesnt MatterAxKhan, RedDrakez, Kenshins, Vainglory, Marlonchara. *Sups*: The DarkDeathThe Name Doesnt Matter 20
700849 1 1 task force 141T*:xshockwavex, joxse, incop, jalclows, Revivall *S*: DawFallxNego, penastrotask force 141 00
Sin RespetoTitulares: krispoman; xhorty; Noaomi; ELSEBAXD; Slakyx. *Suplentes*: Fouerex; shiceSin Respeto
703526 1 1 Sexy Legendary DogsT*: KanutoAleDelfin / PAMZ /Kikinozo/ Corna13 / 77Oso77Wilmer / S*: MalpitaSexy Legendary Dogs 20
708921 1 1 The Rev AvengersCriss115, GuaripoloRawwr, Synysterpupe, , jimmysevenfold, Shadow226 *S* Sakuraky, xCreatorlandThe Rev Avengers 00
699831 1 1 TheBumfighters teamTitulares: Rastagates, VVVVVVV, fasorc, alanstoc, FunkyBrother. *Sups*: Luchoni, propict.TheBumfighters team 20
Team Over WinningTitulares: Lance40, Crackcl, CepeOnfire, Bounder, ergumbito. *Sups*: Levrol, Wiisep.Team Over Winning
700853 1 1 Time To FapT*: Toriber , Wroullyn , Rivarola7 , Mesie , Ryodan16Time To Fap 00
700881 1 1 The Huarriors *T*: taf0, d3s7r0y, zurieloc, kakuseicha, sonn3The Huarriors 20
708928 1 1 ZevenGamers*T* Seitse Kapranov, LocoFreddy, YaseeeK, Jóshe, SaguaRico. *S* Péluca, JordaN612ZevenGamers 10
701396 1 1 Unlimited GamingT*: Cocolizo, xx02, L A T Í N , RichiK , Lokhizo S*: Nekotaiga, ExelciUnlimited Gaming 10
699999 1 1 Gosu All StarsTitulares: NikeZ, Kazekingu, Mithos Sky, LaharlFatuS, DeadQQ.Gosu All Stars 20
700104 1 1 Team Plug and WinTitulares: MrIlidan, ElCacoMan, Kazhim, Xiky, Krayus. *Sups*: unluckyaa, Juhnnn.Team Plug and Win 20
700092 1 1 xMadScreamxTitulares: Eisens Ramstein, Ryoga shiki, diabochile, Lechero2129, Nyx RamsteinxMadScreamx 00
Spoiler Free 699667 1 2 Chele BoysTitulares: Erik Stand, YzakStand, Falkox, Zh3d, Nighthunter190. *Sups*: Alex Mcloud, Luckless charmChele Boys 00
699662 1 2 isurus GamingT*: isG Eriendel,isG Gearszero,isG Priest,elysiumpokerstar,Dragonblackheart. *S*: isG CasualSonaisurus Gaming 20
708929 1 2 FxAGaming*T* Eloid NexusL33T Excail Goodiee Dasr *S* GoshtinthefogFxAGaming 20
700872 1 2 A Yordle Stole my Kill*T*: Nauriem, Squallbrea, Zaphiire, Nyarlatho, Zephyrus2k, *S* ElGatoReyna y BowoA Yordle Stole my Kill 00
708917 1 2 Generación X*T* k3nsou /Tigerdark / ZeroxLaEsencia/ Blacksfatum /Pekeniia *S* mariaw0w /Piex14Generación X 00
707925 1 2 Avant Garde*T* eLPatox, NefiU, zatee, padrinosky, Fumobix. *S*: qEseeme, buugbear.Avant Garde 20
699471 1 2 JaiEloTitulares: DragoStyle, Zulajax, Reption, Kannito, Elrosadito *Sups*: Aufban, XilencerJaiElo 00
700098 1 2 M2TheAnnieTitulares: Shakita Gemiknight Search one MurderX UnderFlow *Sups*: JennXM2TheAnnie 20
699958 1 2 Five SensesTitulares: Myge, Jaaavieer, Thansokaa, Emziiling, Kipap. *Sups*: JustAwake.Five Senses 00
Hydroxiapatita CaOHTitulares: Titoh, Aggresin, Darkriper, Moteconhuesillo, Patricio Estrell. *Sups*: Evilowner, RiboxHydroxiapatita CaOH
701399 1 2 Clan Rico*T*: Condetumadre Trapito Dakezin El Tropicaliente Susvourtre suplentes Toolcito BambasticoClan Rico 20
700086 1 2 Knights of AvalonTitulares: OdínX, aNTILIUS, MiVidadePandah, LeetL, xonilinkx. *Sups*: Sukemon, Phisicx.Knights of Avalon 00
Lavanda GamingTitulares: Juliostito, LvG Vilü, Vairas, LvG Satanicrust, nitrôx. *Suplentes*: lfante, amnaëlLavanda Gaming
699905 1 2 OutPlayedTitulares: Tacticas, KillThmAll, soulxreaper99, Crecens, Th3t0yM4st3r.OutPlayed 10
700863 1 2 Niani eSportsT*: Kelbeks , Misaevah , WindAphrodite , ggdoom , Muvlakai *S*: Hyusu , Project100Niani eSports 20
Infinity GamingT: enfleX , Triicky , Kor3h , TkgCl SpiderCL , Elterribl3, S: Gntzx.Infinity Gaming
701394 1 2 Midnight Madness GXT*: Tiky Mik / 3lyzaboth / Schmuel / eiziel / FlamaGOD S*: Akirasouske, watch and IearnMidnight Madness GX 20
Main Trick*T*:Keyden,rupit,Palmex,Lomu cl,Striff3r S*: Moncks, Chileno0Main Trick
700006 1 2 Chilean Crazy GamingTitulares: Tsukuyomi00, Nakroz,kan0live, thed3z, nanguix *Sups*: mividadepandah.Chilean Crazy Gaming 00
Phoenix eSportTitulares: BullaQ - Cachero - padrinosky - Bambastico - Tobit0. *Sups*: Neverrrrr - Cyrus10Phoenix eSport
699956 1 2 Team SupTentaCleSTitulares: LuizKrloz, Chingoku, IWozitoI, Waa1Police, Danaik3D. *Suplentes*: Madz3DTeam SupTentaCleS 00
699469 1 2 SLOW TEAMTitulares: Takato Okami; Nerem; Dat Maniacc; XxPrOxX069; Necro Abbath. *S*: HurarixSLOW TEAM 20
700864 1 2 Strategic Charros Gaming*T*: Floggersyytho , Lorek Byrnisons , huguitobear , BDNAKATA , kiirk *S*: evil punisher , theStrategic Charros Gaming 20
699959 1 2 Los CarloHTitulares: Kingiamond99, ingwè Elanessè, xxxbrainto2xxx, fox93, AKICHITA. *Sups*: ArcArl, Tirael1.Los CarloH 00
700100 1 2 The Dark Fox.Titulares: Thaziel, crowley, Micl Pro, NaXhoZz, Arcanite840. *Sups*: sanrok, L3BR14N.The Dark Fox. 00
699726 1 2 The Name Doesnt MatterAxKhan, RedDrakez, Kenshins, Vainglory, Marlonchara. *Sups*: The DarkDeathThe Name Doesnt Matter 20
703526 1 2 Sexy Legendary DogsT*: KanutoAleDelfin / PAMZ /Kikinozo/ Corna13 / 77Oso77Wilmer / S*: MalpitaSexy Legendary Dogs 10
699831 1 2 TheBumfighters teamTitulares: Rastagates, VVVVVVV, fasorc, alanstoc, FunkyBrother. *Sups*: Luchoni, propict.TheBumfighters team 20
Team Over WinningTitulares: Lance40, Crackcl, CepeOnfire, Bounder, ergumbito. *Sups*: Levrol, Wiisep.Team Over Winning
700881 1 2 The Huarriors *T*: taf0, d3s7r0y, zurieloc, kakuseicha, sonn3The Huarriors 00
699999 1 2 Gosu All StarsTitulares: NikeZ, Kazekingu, Mithos Sky, LaharlFatuS, DeadQQ.Gosu All Stars 20
700104 1 2 Team Plug and WinTitulares: MrIlidan, ElCacoMan, Kazhim, Xiky, Krayus. *Sups*: unluckyaa, Juhnnn.Team Plug and Win 00
Spoiler Free 699662 1 3 isurus GamingT*: isG Eriendel,isG Gearszero,isG Priest,elysiumpokerstar,Dragonblackheart. *S*: isG CasualSonaisurus Gaming 20
708929 1 3 FxAGaming*T* Eloid NexusL33T Excail Goodiee Dasr *S* GoshtinthefogFxAGaming 00
707925 1 3 Avant Garde*T* eLPatox, NefiU, zatee, padrinosky, Fumobix. *S*: qEseeme, buugbear.Avant Garde 20
700098 1 3 M2TheAnnieTitulares: Shakita Gemiknight Search one MurderX UnderFlow *Sups*: JennXM2TheAnnie 00
Hydroxiapatita CaOHTitulares: Titoh, Aggresin, Darkriper, Moteconhuesillo, Patricio Estrell. *Sups*: Evilowner, RiboxHydroxiapatita CaOH
701399 1 3 Clan Rico*T*: Condetumadre Trapito Dakezin El Tropicaliente Susvourtre suplentes Toolcito BambasticoClan Rico 20
Lavanda GamingTitulares: Juliostito, LvG Vilü, Vairas, LvG Satanicrust, nitrôx. *Suplentes*: lfante, amnaëlLavanda Gaming
700863 1 3 Niani eSportsT*: Kelbeks , Misaevah , WindAphrodite , ggdoom , Muvlakai *S*: Hyusu , Project100Niani eSports 00
701394 1 3 Midnight Madness GXT*: Tiky Mik / 3lyzaboth / Schmuel / eiziel / FlamaGOD S*: Akirasouske, watch and IearnMidnight Madness GX 00
Phoenix eSportTitulares: BullaQ - Cachero - padrinosky - Bambastico - Tobit0. *Sups*: Neverrrrr - Cyrus10Phoenix eSport
699469 1 3 SLOW TEAMTitulares: Takato Okami; Nerem; Dat Maniacc; XxPrOxX069; Necro Abbath. *S*: HurarixSLOW TEAM 20
700864 1 3 Strategic Charros Gaming*T*: Floggersyytho , Lorek Byrnisons , huguitobear , BDNAKATA , kiirk *S*: evil punisher , theStrategic Charros Gaming 00
699726 1 3 The Name Doesnt MatterAxKhan, RedDrakez, Kenshins, Vainglory, Marlonchara. *Sups*: The DarkDeathThe Name Doesnt Matter 20
699831 1 3 TheBumfighters teamTitulares: Rastagates, VVVVVVV, fasorc, alanstoc, FunkyBrother. *Sups*: Luchoni, propict.TheBumfighters team 00
Team Over WinningTitulares: Lance40, Crackcl, CepeOnfire, Bounder, ergumbito. *Sups*: Levrol, Wiisep.Team Over Winning
699999 1 3 Gosu All StarsTitulares: NikeZ, Kazekingu, Mithos Sky, LaharlFatuS, DeadQQ.Gosu All Stars 00
Spoiler Free 699662 1 4 isurus GamingT*: isG Eriendel,isG Gearszero,isG Priest,elysiumpokerstar,Dragonblackheart. *S*: isG CasualSonaisurus Gaming 0
707925 1 4 Avant Garde*T* eLPatox, NefiU, zatee, padrinosky, Fumobix. *S*: qEseeme, buugbear.Avant Garde 0
701399 1 4 Clan Rico*T*: Condetumadre Trapito Dakezin El Tropicaliente Susvourtre suplentes Toolcito BambasticoClan Rico 0
Lavanda GamingTitulares: Juliostito, LvG Vilü, Vairas, LvG Satanicrust, nitrôx. *Suplentes*: lfante, amnaëlLavanda Gaming
Phoenix eSportTitulares: BullaQ - Cachero - padrinosky - Bambastico - Tobit0. *Sups*: Neverrrrr - Cyrus10Phoenix eSport
699469 1 4 SLOW TEAMTitulares: Takato Okami; Nerem; Dat Maniacc; XxPrOxX069; Necro Abbath. *S*: HurarixSLOW TEAM 0
699726 1 4 The Name Doesnt MatterAxKhan, RedDrakez, Kenshins, Vainglory, Marlonchara. *Sups*: The DarkDeathThe Name Doesnt Matter 0
Team Over WinningTitulares: Lance40, Crackcl, CepeOnfire, Bounder, ergumbito. *Sups*: Levrol, Wiisep.Team Over Winning
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