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StarCraft 2GSL Season 2

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Best of 3

78407 1 0 Char - Zerg FruitDealerKim, Won-KiFruitDealer 20

78404 1 0 Earth - Terran ButterflyEffectBeak, Seung-JooButterflyEffect 00

78423 1 0 Earth - Terran FoxerLee Jung-HoonFoxer 20

78398 1 0 Char - Zerg BabyWeRRaNam, Hyun-WooBabyWeRRa 10

78424 1 0 Earth - Terran AppleOh, Jae-GeunApple 00

78449 1 0 Char - Zerg PhoenixWeRRaJun, Yung-ShikPhoenixWeRRa 20

78402 1 0 Earth - Terran LiquidTLODario WunschLiquidTLO 10

78454 1 0 Aiur - Protoss BabyByeByeShin, Sang-HoBabyByeBye 20

78432 1 0 Aiur - Protoss ChoyaLee, Hyung-SupChoya 10

78443 1 0 Earth - Terran TSL_RainPark, Seo-YongTSL_Rain 20

78428 1 0 Earth - Terran oGsEnsnareKim, Sang-CheoloGsEnsnare 20

78448 1 0 Aiur - Protoss SuzyWeRRaKim, Jung-HoonSuzyWeRRa 00

78409 1 0 Aiur - Protoss AceJung, Wu-SeoAce 20

78399 1 0 Earth - Terran IMKyumerChoi, In-GyuIMKyumer 10

78408 1 0 Aiur - Protoss HongunPrimeAhn, Hong-WookHongunPrime 00

78427 1 0 Char - Zerg KyrixZenithHan, JoonKyrixZenith 20

78395 1 0 Earth - Terran HopeTortureKim, Sung-JeHopeTorture 20

78417 1 0 Earth - Terran FlintZenithKim, Byung-JoonFlintZenith 10

78422 1 0 Aiur - Protoss PippiPark, Hyo-ChongPippi 20

Match 10
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78412 1 0 Char - Zerg oGsCezanneKim, Jung-HwanoGsCezanne 10

78416 1 0 Earth - Terran oGsHyperdubKim, Yoo-JongoGsHyperdub 10

Match 11
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78452 1 0 Aiur - Protoss sanZenithKang, Cho-WonsanZenith 20

78426 1 0 Aiur - Protoss GarnetMin, Gyung-HwanGarnet 00

Match 12
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78420 1 0 Char - Zerg CheckPrimeLee, Hyung-JooCheckPrime 20

78394 1 0 Aiur - Protoss oGsInCaSong, Jun-HyukoGsInCa 20

Match 13
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78431 1 0 Earth - Terran AyaSong, Yung-MinAya 10

78418 1 0 Earth - Terran TankboyPrimeLee, Yoo-SeokTankboyPrime 20

Match 14
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78400 1 0 Earth - Terran ClideHan, Kyu-JongClide 10

78445 1 0 Aiur - Protoss NEXGeniusJung, Min-SooNEXGenius 20

Match 15
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78450 1 0 Char - Zerg rainChoi, Jin-Solrain 00

78429 1 0 Earth - Terran SyncByun, Gil-SupSync 20

Match 16
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78455 1 0 Char - Zerg jookToJungJo, Man-HyukjookToJung 10

78453 1 0 Earth - Terran Slayers_BoxerLim Yo-HwanSlayers_Boxer 20

Match 17
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78415 1 0 Earth - Terran HappinessHwang, Hee-DooHappiness 00

78410 1 0 Aiur - Protoss CoreJJangAhn, Jung-MinCoreJJang 20

Match 18
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78434 1 0 Earth - Terran BlessPark, JoonBless 10

78447 1 0 Aiur - Protoss BleachByun, Hyun-WooBleach 10

Match 19
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78403 1 0 Earth - Terran LonerDai YiLoner 20

78405 1 0 Char - Zerg TeriousSong, Byung-HakTerious 20

Match 20
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78438 1 0 Earth - Terran PoltPrimeChoi, Seong-HunPoltPrime 10

78456 1 0 Aiur - Protoss LegalMindKim, Gyeong-SuLegalMind 00

Match 21
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78396 1 0 Char - Zerg LeenockLee, Dong-NyungLeenock 20

78401 1 0 Char - Zerg SuhoshinKim, Soo-HoSuhoshin 20

Match 22
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78436 1 0 Aiur - Protoss FreeDSLWu, Kyung-ChulFreeDSL 00

78419 1 0 Earth - Terran cargoJo, Gyung-Jooncargo 00

Match 23
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78437 1 0 Earth - Terran oGsNaDaLee, Yoon-YeoloGsNaDa 20

78441 1 0 Earth - Terran ParkJongHyukPark, Jong-HyukParkJongHyuk 20

Match 24
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78430 1 0 Aiur - Protoss NEXChiefGong, Jin-SeNEXChief 00

78433 1 0 Char - Zerg EGIdraGreg FieldsEGIdra 20

Match 25
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78435 1 0 Earth - Terran ChickenComboJoo, Hyun-SooChickenCombo 00

78425 1 0 Aiur - Protoss ReXZanDarkeOh, Chang-JongReXZanDarke 00

Match 26
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78440 1 0 Earth - Terran oGsGonKim, Sung-GonoGsGon 20

78421 1 0 Earth - Terran SoundWeRRaBae, Sang-HwanSoundWeRRa 00

Match 27
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78406 1 0 Earth - Terran IMmvpJung, Jong-HyunIMmvp 20

78397 1 0 Earth - Terran JjakjiWeRRaJung, Ji-HoonJjakjiWeRRa 00

Match 28
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78411 1 0 Char - Zerg oGsZenioChoi, Jung-MinoGsZenio 20

78444 1 0 Char - Zerg NesTeaLim Jae-DuckNesTea 20

Match 29
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78413 1 0 Earth - Terran Kang Ji YoungKim, Chan-MinKang Ji Young 00

78446 1 0 Aiur - Protoss OverthezeroWu, Min-GyuOverthezero 00

Match 30
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78414 1 0 Aiur - Protoss oGsMCJang, Min-ChuloGsMC 20

78442 1 0 Aiur - Protoss LoveRipKim, Gyung-DukLoveRip 00

Match 31
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78457 1 0 Char - Zerg oGsTheWinDPark, Sang-IkoGsTheWinD 20

78439 1 0 Earth - Terran MakaPrimeKwak, Han-EulMakaPrime 20

Match 32
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78451 1 0 Aiur - Protoss BanbanssuSeo, Myung-DukBanbanssu 10

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 78407 1 1 Char - Zerg FruitDealerKim, Won-KiFruitDealer 00

Match 33
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78423 1 1 Earth - Terran FoxerLee Jung-HoonFoxer 20

78449 1 1 Char - Zerg PhoenixWeRRaJun, Yung-ShikPhoenixWeRRa 00

Match 34
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78454 1 1 Aiur - Protoss BabyByeByeShin, Sang-HoBabyByeBye 20

78443 1 1 Earth - Terran TSL_RainPark, Seo-YongTSL_Rain 00

Match 35
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78428 1 1 Earth - Terran oGsEnsnareKim, Sang-CheoloGsEnsnare 20

78409 1 1 Aiur - Protoss AceJung, Wu-SeoAce 00

Match 36
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78427 1 1 Char - Zerg KyrixZenithHan, JoonKyrixZenith 20

78395 1 1 Earth - Terran HopeTortureKim, Sung-JeHopeTorture 20

Match 37
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78422 1 1 Aiur - Protoss PippiPark, Hyo-ChongPippi 00

78452 1 1 Aiur - Protoss sanZenithKang, Cho-WonsanZenith 00

Match 38
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78420 1 1 Char - Zerg CheckPrimeLee, Hyung-JooCheckPrime 20

78394 1 1 Aiur - Protoss oGsInCaSong, Jun-HyukoGsInCa 20

Match 39
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78418 1 1 Earth - Terran TankboyPrimeLee, Yoo-SeokTankboyPrime 00

78445 1 1 Aiur - Protoss NEXGeniusJung, Min-SooNEXGenius 20

Match 40
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78429 1 1 Earth - Terran SyncByun, Gil-SupSync 00

78453 1 1 Earth - Terran Slayers_BoxerLim Yo-HwanSlayers_Boxer 20

Match 41
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78410 1 1 Aiur - Protoss CoreJJangAhn, Jung-MinCoreJJang 00

78403 1 1 Earth - Terran LonerDai YiLoner 20

Match 42
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78405 1 1 Char - Zerg TeriousSong, Byung-HakTerious 10

78396 1 1 Char - Zerg LeenockLee, Dong-NyungLeenock 20

Match 43
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78401 1 1 Char - Zerg SuhoshinKim, Soo-HoSuhoshin 00

78437 1 1 Earth - Terran oGsNaDaLee, Yoon-YeoloGsNaDa 20

Match 44
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78441 1 1 Earth - Terran ParkJongHyukPark, Jong-HyukParkJongHyuk 00

78433 1 1 Char - Zerg EGIdraGreg FieldsEGIdra 20

Match 45
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78440 1 1 Earth - Terran oGsGonKim, Sung-GonoGsGon 00

78406 1 1 Earth - Terran IMmvpJung, Jong-HyunIMmvp 10

Match 46
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78411 1 1 Char - Zerg oGsZenioChoi, Jung-MinoGsZenio 20

78444 1 1 Char - Zerg NesTeaLim Jae-DuckNesTea 20

Match 47
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78414 1 1 Aiur - Protoss oGsMCJang, Min-ChuloGsMC 00

78457 1 1 Char - Zerg oGsTheWinDPark, Sang-IkoGsTheWinD 20

Match 48
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78439 1 1 Earth - Terran MakaPrimeKwak, Han-EulMakaPrime 00

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 78423 1 2 Earth - Terran FoxerLee Jung-HoonFoxer 20

Match 49
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78454 1 2 Aiur - Protoss BabyByeByeShin, Sang-HoBabyByeBye 00

78428 1 2 Earth - Terran oGsEnsnareKim, Sang-CheoloGsEnsnare 10

Match 50
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78427 1 2 Char - Zerg KyrixZenithHan, JoonKyrixZenith 20

78395 1 2 Earth - Terran HopeTortureKim, Sung-JeHopeTorture 20

Match 51
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78420 1 2 Char - Zerg CheckPrimeLee, Hyung-JooCheckPrime 00

78394 1 2 Aiur - Protoss oGsInCaSong, Jun-HyukoGsInCa 10

Match 52
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78445 1 2 Aiur - Protoss NEXGeniusJung, Min-SooNEXGenius 20

78453 1 2 Earth - Terran Slayers_BoxerLim Yo-HwanSlayers_Boxer 20

Match 53
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78403 1 2 Earth - Terran LonerDai YiLoner 00

78396 1 2 Char - Zerg LeenockLee, Dong-NyungLeenock 10

Match 54
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78437 1 2 Earth - Terran oGsNaDaLee, Yoon-YeoloGsNaDa 20

78433 1 2 Char - Zerg EGIdraGreg FieldsEGIdra 00

Match 55
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78411 1 2 Char - Zerg oGsZenioChoi, Jung-MinoGsZenio 20

78444 1 2 Char - Zerg NesTeaLim Jae-DuckNesTea 20

Match 56
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78457 1 2 Char - Zerg oGsTheWinDPark, Sang-IkoGsTheWinD 00

Best of 5

Spoiler Free 78423 1 3 Earth - Terran FoxerLee Jung-HoonFoxer 30

Match 57
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78427 1 3 Char - Zerg KyrixZenithHan, JoonKyrixZenith 20

78395 1 3 Earth - Terran HopeTortureKim, Sung-JeHopeTorture 30

Match 58
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78445 1 3 Aiur - Protoss NEXGeniusJung, Min-SooNEXGenius 10

78453 1 3 Earth - Terran Slayers_BoxerLim Yo-HwanSlayers_Boxer 30

Match 59
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78437 1 3 Earth - Terran oGsNaDaLee, Yoon-YeoloGsNaDa 10

78411 1 3 Char - Zerg oGsZenioChoi, Jung-MinoGsZenio 00

Match 60
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78444 1 3 Char - Zerg NesTeaLim Jae-DuckNesTea 30

Best of 7

Spoiler Free 78423 1 4 Earth - Terran FoxerLee Jung-HoonFoxer 40

Match 61
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78395 1 4 Earth - Terran HopeTortureKim, Sung-JeHopeTorture 10

78453 1 4 Earth - Terran Slayers_BoxerLim Yo-HwanSlayers_Boxer 00

Match 62
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78444 1 4 Char - Zerg NesTeaLim Jae-DuckNesTea 40

Best of 7

Spoiler Free 78423 1 5 Earth - Terran FoxerLee Jung-HoonFoxer 30

Match 63
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78444 1 5 Char - Zerg NesTeaLim Jae-DuckNesTea 40

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 78444 1 6 Char - Zerg NesTeaLim Jae-DuckNesTea -

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