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StarCraft 2Tdg Turnier 6

Embed these Brackets

Best of 1

118653 1 0 Xewis#271Xewis#271 10

118659 1 0 ReApEr#1918ReApEr#1918 00

118636 1 0 deputyfresh#635deputyfresh#635 00

118736 1 0 DerOnkel#880DerOnkel#880 10

118654 1 0 TdgSentry#885TdgSentry#885 10

118644 1 0 Scorpion#894Scorpion#894 00

118690 1 0 Vergho#254Vergho#254 10

118735 1 0 Zitrone#246Zitrone#246 00

118685 1 0 Crytch#691Crytch#691 10

118645 1 0 Blist#319Blist#319 00

118647 1 0 KingLui#946KingLui#946 00

118734 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118639 1 0 Ughman#782Ughman#782 00

118641 1 0 Glamour#507Glamour#507 10

118664 1 0 PaInCaKe#831PaInCaKe#831 00

118733 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118674 1 0 MAVERIK#292MAVERIK#292 10

118655 1 0 Pyro#515Pyro#515 00

118693 1 0 TdgBeYu#591TdgBeYu#591 00

Match 10
View Details

118732 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118695 1 0 FDDrum#336FDDrum#336 10

Match 11
View Details

118657 1 0 pocherhsf#342pocherhsf#342 00

118662 1 0 Lmaamg#503Lmaamg#503 00

Match 12
View Details

118731 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118682 1 0 maGtwo#261maGtwo#261 00

Match 13
View Details

118651 1 0 Hell#733Hell#733 10

118640 1 0 Laoche#645Laoche#645 00

Match 14
View Details

118730 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118698 1 0 ItsImBaBimBa#358ItsImBaBimBa#358 00

Match 15
View Details

118761 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118677 1 0 Crawn#472Crawn#472 00

Match 16
View Details

118729 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118673 1 0 ScSMarinoni#212ScSMarinoni#212 00

Match 17
View Details

118760 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118694 1 0 gCgJoschka#810gCgJoschka#810 00

Match 18
View Details

118728 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118650 1 0 Bela#153Bela#153 00

Match 19
View Details

118759 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118643 1 0 RazeTot#556RazeTot#556 00

Match 20
View Details

118727 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118704 1 0 Maik#150Maik#150 00

Match 21
View Details

118758 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118660 1 0 Arn#766Arn#766 00

Match 22
View Details

118726 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118667 1 0 GhOstz#512GhOstz#512 00

Match 23
View Details

118757 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118675 1 0 Elzar#310Elzar#310 00

Match 24
View Details

118725 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118681 1 0 EquaLiZe#645EquaLiZe#645 00

Match 25
View Details

118756 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118687 1 0 MaratoN#879MaratoN#879 00

Match 26
View Details

118724 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118669 1 0 RedCuBe#478RedCuBe#478 00

Match 27
View Details

118755 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118646 1 0 gCgGiovv#979gCgGiovv#979 00

Match 28
View Details

118723 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118676 1 0 xXBerserkaXx#396xXBerserkaXx#396 00

Match 29
View Details

118754 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118680 1 0 NOOGAT#162NOOGAT#162 00

Match 30
View Details

118722 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118671 1 0 Calepta#143Calepta#143 00

Match 31
View Details

118753 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118638 1 0 LineAge#926LineAge#926 00

Match 32
View Details

118721 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118700 1 0 TdgNemesis#204TdgNemesis#204 00

Match 33
View Details

118752 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118692 1 0 IcEflrE#667IcEflrE#667 00

Match 34
View Details

118720 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118635 1 0 TdgLeyu#745TdgLeyu#745 00

Match 35
View Details

118751 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118684 1 0 Grumpel#450Grumpel#450 00

Match 36
View Details

118719 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118703 1 0 TheComedian#922TheComedian#922 00

Match 37
View Details

118750 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118634 1 0 TdgSupernova#167TdgSupernova#167 00

Match 38
View Details

118718 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118697 1 0 RedZone#827RedZone#827 00

Match 39
View Details

118749 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118668 1 0 Deathscorn#958Deathscorn#958 00

Match 40
View Details

118717 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118686 1 0 BrêveEye#540BrêveEye#540 00

Match 41
View Details

118748 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118701 1 0 Skipp#408Skipp#408 00

Match 42
View Details

118716 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118678 1 0 Pflaume#958Pflaume#958 00

Match 43
View Details

118747 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118656 1 0 TdgHashi#413TdgHashi#413 00

Match 44
View Details

118715 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118672 1 0 Cifer#146Cifer#146 00

Match 45
View Details

118746 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118670 1 0 marsch#666marsch#666 00

Match 46
View Details

118714 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118648 1 0 TdgCraftStar#814TdgCraftStar#814 00

Match 47
View Details

118745 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118689 1 0 Hannefreak#312Hannefreak#312 00

Match 48
View Details

118713 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118637 1 0 SlashORA#264SlashORA#264 00

Match 49
View Details

118744 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118642 1 0 Royrik#526Royrik#526 00

Match 50
View Details

118712 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118663 1 0 deusinator#526deusinator#526 00

Match 51
View Details

118743 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118683 1 0 TdgPain#702TdgPain#702 00

Match 52
View Details

118711 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118658 1 0 ScSFlizzi#294ScSFlizzi#294 00

Match 53
View Details

118742 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118696 1 0 Isaythankyou#974Isaythankyou#974 00

Match 54
View Details

118710 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118679 1 0 iMachine#321iMachine#321 00

Match 55
View Details

118741 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118649 1 0 corruptor#282corruptor#282 00

Match 56
View Details

118709 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118702 1 0 Devanthar#344Devanthar#344 00

Match 57
View Details

118740 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118688 1 0 ArkanTos#850ArkanTos#850 00

Match 58
View Details

118708 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118699 1 0 TdgGollomor#655TdgGollomor#655 00

Match 59
View Details

118739 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118661 1 0 LegionX#177LegionX#177 00

Match 60
View Details

118707 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118666 1 0 TdgYandrak#934TdgYandrak#934 00

Match 61
View Details

118738 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118691 1 0 Base#469Base#469 00

Match 62
View Details

118706 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118652 1 0 BlueSenSe#614BlueSenSe#614 00

Match 63
View Details

118737 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

118665 1 0 Harrock#251Harrock#251 00

Match 64
View Details

118705 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 118653 1 1 Xewis#271Xewis#271 10

Match 65
View Details

118736 1 1 DerOnkel#880DerOnkel#880 00

118654 1 1 TdgSentry#885TdgSentry#885 00

Match 66
View Details

118690 1 1 Vergho#254Vergho#254 10

118685 1 1 Crytch#691Crytch#691 10

Match 67
View Details

118647 1 1 KingLui#946KingLui#946 00

118641 1 1 Glamour#507Glamour#507 00

Match 68
View Details

118664 1 1 PaInCaKe#831PaInCaKe#831 10

118674 1 1 MAVERIK#292MAVERIK#292 00

Match 69
View Details

118693 1 1 TdgBeYu#591TdgBeYu#591 10

118695 1 1 FDDrum#336FDDrum#336 10

Match 70
View Details

118662 1 1 Lmaamg#503Lmaamg#503 00

118651 1 1 Hell#733Hell#733 00

Match 71
View Details

118640 1 1 Laoche#645Laoche#645 10

118698 1 1 ItsImBaBimBa#358ItsImBaBimBa#358 10

Match 72
View Details

118677 1 1 Crawn#472Crawn#472 00

118673 1 1 ScSMarinoni#212ScSMarinoni#212 00

Match 73
View Details

118694 1 1 gCgJoschka#810gCgJoschka#810 10

118650 1 1 Bela#153Bela#153 10

Match 74
View Details

118643 1 1 RazeTot#556RazeTot#556 00

118704 1 1 Maik#150Maik#150 10

Match 75
View Details

118660 1 1 Arn#766Arn#766 00

118667 1 1 GhOstz#512GhOstz#512 10

Match 76
View Details

118675 1 1 Elzar#310Elzar#310 00

118681 1 1 EquaLiZe#645EquaLiZe#645 10

Match 77
View Details

118687 1 1 MaratoN#879MaratoN#879 00

118669 1 1 RedCuBe#478RedCuBe#478 10

Match 78
View Details

118646 1 1 gCgGiovv#979gCgGiovv#979 00

118676 1 1 xXBerserkaXx#396xXBerserkaXx#396 00

Match 79
View Details

118680 1 1 NOOGAT#162NOOGAT#162 10

118671 1 1 Calepta#143Calepta#143 10

Match 80
View Details

118638 1 1 LineAge#926LineAge#926 00

118700 1 1 TdgNemesis#204TdgNemesis#204 10

Match 81
View Details

118692 1 1 IcEflrE#667IcEflrE#667 00

118635 1 1 TdgLeyu#745TdgLeyu#745 00

Match 82
View Details

118684 1 1 Grumpel#450Grumpel#450 10

118703 1 1 TheComedian#922TheComedian#922 10

Match 83
View Details

118634 1 1 TdgSupernova#167TdgSupernova#167 00

118697 1 1 RedZone#827RedZone#827 00

Match 84
View Details

118668 1 1 Deathscorn#958Deathscorn#958 10

118686 1 1 BrêveEye#540BrêveEye#540 00

Match 85
View Details

118701 1 1 Skipp#408Skipp#408 10

118678 1 1 Pflaume#958Pflaume#958 00

Match 86
View Details

118656 1 1 TdgHashi#413TdgHashi#413 10

118672 1 1 Cifer#146Cifer#146 00

Match 87
View Details

118670 1 1 marsch#666marsch#666 10

118648 1 1 TdgCraftStar#814TdgCraftStar#814 10

Match 88
View Details

118689 1 1 Hannefreak#312Hannefreak#312 00

118637 1 1 SlashORA#264SlashORA#264 00

Match 89
View Details

118642 1 1 Royrik#526Royrik#526 10

118663 1 1 deusinator#526deusinator#526 00

Match 90
View Details

118683 1 1 TdgPain#702TdgPain#702 10

118658 1 1 ScSFlizzi#294ScSFlizzi#294 00

Match 91
View Details

118696 1 1 Isaythankyou#974Isaythankyou#974 10

118679 1 1 iMachine#321iMachine#321 00

Match 92
View Details

118649 1 1 corruptor#282corruptor#282 10

118702 1 1 Devanthar#344Devanthar#344 10

Match 93
View Details

118688 1 1 ArkanTos#850ArkanTos#850 00

118699 1 1 TdgGollomor#655TdgGollomor#655 10

Match 94
View Details

118661 1 1 LegionX#177LegionX#177 00

118666 1 1 TdgYandrak#934TdgYandrak#934 10

Match 95
View Details

118691 1 1 Base#469Base#469 00

118652 1 1 BlueSenSe#614BlueSenSe#614 10

Match 96
View Details

118665 1 1 Harrock#251Harrock#251 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 118653 1 2 Xewis#271Xewis#271 00

Match 97
View Details

118690 1 2 Vergho#254Vergho#254 10

118685 1 2 Crytch#691Crytch#691 10

Match 98
View Details

118664 1 2 PaInCaKe#831PaInCaKe#831 00

118693 1 2 TdgBeYu#591TdgBeYu#591 00

Match 99
View Details

118695 1 2 FDDrum#336FDDrum#336 10

118640 1 2 Laoche#645Laoche#645 10

Match 100
View Details

118698 1 2 ItsImBaBimBa#358ItsImBaBimBa#358 00

118694 1 2 gCgJoschka#810gCgJoschka#810 10

Match 101
View Details

118650 1 2 Bela#153Bela#153 00

118704 1 2 Maik#150Maik#150 00

Match 102
View Details

118667 1 2 GhOstz#512GhOstz#512 10

118681 1 2 EquaLiZe#645EquaLiZe#645 00

Match 103
View Details

118669 1 2 RedCuBe#478RedCuBe#478 10

118680 1 2 NOOGAT#162NOOGAT#162 00

Match 104
View Details

118671 1 2 Calepta#143Calepta#143 10

118700 1 2 TdgNemesis#204TdgNemesis#204 00

Match 105
View Details

118684 1 2 Grumpel#450Grumpel#450 10

118703 1 2 TheComedian#922TheComedian#922 00

Match 106
View Details

118668 1 2 Deathscorn#958Deathscorn#958 10

118701 1 2 Skipp#408Skipp#408 00

Match 107
View Details

118656 1 2 TdgHashi#413TdgHashi#413 10

118670 1 2 marsch#666marsch#666 10

Match 108
View Details

118648 1 2 TdgCraftStar#814TdgCraftStar#814 00

118642 1 2 Royrik#526Royrik#526 10

Match 109
View Details

118683 1 2 TdgPain#702TdgPain#702 00

118696 1 2 Isaythankyou#974Isaythankyou#974 10

Match 110
View Details

118649 1 2 corruptor#282corruptor#282 00

118702 1 2 Devanthar#344Devanthar#344 10

Match 111
View Details

118699 1 2 TdgGollomor#655TdgGollomor#655 00

118666 1 2 TdgYandrak#934TdgYandrak#934 10

Match 112
View Details

118652 1 2 BlueSenSe#614BlueSenSe#614 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 118690 1 3 Vergho#254Vergho#254 00

Match 113
View Details

118685 1 3 Crytch#691Crytch#691 10

118695 1 3 FDDrum#336FDDrum#336 00

Match 114
View Details

118640 1 3 Laoche#645Laoche#645 10

118694 1 3 gCgJoschka#810gCgJoschka#810 00

Match 115
View Details

118667 1 3 GhOstz#512GhOstz#512 10

118669 1 3 RedCuBe#478RedCuBe#478 10

Match 116
View Details

118671 1 3 Calepta#143Calepta#143 00

118684 1 3 Grumpel#450Grumpel#450 10

Match 117
View Details

118668 1 3 Deathscorn#958Deathscorn#958 00

118656 1 3 TdgHashi#413TdgHashi#413 00

Match 118
View Details

118670 1 3 marsch#666marsch#666 10

118642 1 3 Royrik#526Royrik#526 10

Match 119
View Details

118696 1 3 Isaythankyou#974Isaythankyou#974 00

118702 1 3 Devanthar#344Devanthar#344 10

Match 120
View Details

118666 1 3 TdgYandrak#934TdgYandrak#934 00

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 118685 1 4 Crytch#691Crytch#691 20

Match 121
View Details

118640 1 4 Laoche#645Laoche#645 00

118667 1 4 GhOstz#512GhOstz#512 00

Match 122
View Details

118669 1 4 RedCuBe#478RedCuBe#478 20

118684 1 4 Grumpel#450Grumpel#450 20

Match 123
View Details

118670 1 4 marsch#666marsch#666 00

118642 1 4 Royrik#526Royrik#526 00

Match 124
View Details

118702 1 4 Devanthar#344Devanthar#344 20

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 118685 1 5 Crytch#691Crytch#691 20

Match 125
View Details

118669 1 5 RedCuBe#478RedCuBe#478 00

118684 1 5 Grumpel#450Grumpel#450 20

Match 126
View Details

118702 1 5 Devanthar#344Devanthar#344 00

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 118685 1 6 Crytch#691Crytch#691 10

Match 127
View Details

118684 1 6 Grumpel#450Grumpel#450 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 118685 1 7 Crytch#691Crytch#691 -

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