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StarCraft 21er Edicion - Code S Legion of the Fallen

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Abyssal City
Best of 3

797308 1 0 Costa Rica Arekuareku.204Areku 10

807174 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

795822 1 0 Costa Rica SethSeth.1598Seth 20

801821 1 0 Colombia SupremeSupreme 597Supreme 00

802797 1 0 Costa Rica InfestedInfested.759Infested 10

807175 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

800622 1 0 United States ASCHCOX .161ASCH 20

804010 1 0 Costa Rica Gronegro.LoFGronegro.730Gronegro.LoF 10

794026 1 0 Costa Rica ChcukNorris.LoFChcukNorrisChcukNorris.LoF 00

802221 1 0 Bolivia BeliatMrTerran.577Beliat 20

807176 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

793971 1 0 Costa Rica llllllllll.LoF[LoF] Tool.452llllllllll.LoF 10

807172 1 0 Costa Rica AndurilAndurilAnduril 20

793395 1 0 Costa Rica IMHulk.LoFIMHulk.994IMHulk.LoF 10

807177 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

794349 1 0 Costa Rica dashizDashiz . 415dashiz 10

WCS Cloud Kingdom LE
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 797308 1 1 Costa Rica Arekuareku.204Areku 20

795822 1 1 Costa Rica SethSeth.1598Seth 10

802797 1 1 Costa Rica InfestedInfested.759Infested 00

Match 10
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800622 1 1 United States ASCHCOX .161ASCH 20

802221 1 1 Bolivia BeliatMrTerran.577Beliat 00

Match 11
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793971 1 1 Costa Rica llllllllll.LoF[LoF] Tool.452llllllllll.LoF 20

807172 1 1 Costa Rica AndurilAndurilAnduril 00

Match 12
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794349 1 1 Costa Rica dashizDashiz . 415dashiz 20

Akilon Flats
Best of 5

Spoiler Free 797308 1 2 Costa Rica Arekuareku.204Areku 30

Match 13
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800622 1 2 United States ASCHCOX .161ASCH 10

793971 1 2 Costa Rica llllllllll.LoF[LoF] Tool.452llllllllll.LoF 00

Match 14
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794349 1 2 Costa Rica dashizDashiz . 415dashiz 30

WCS Entombed Valley
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 797308 1 3 Costa Rica Arekuareku.204Areku 00

Match 15
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794349 1 3 Costa Rica dashizDashiz . 415dashiz 20

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 794349 1 4 Costa Rica dashizDashiz . 415dashiz -

Abyssal City
Best of 3

807174 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

Match 16
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801821 2 0 Colombia SupremeSupreme 597Supreme 10

807175 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

Match 17
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804010 2 0 Costa Rica Gronegro.LoFGronegro.730Gronegro.LoF 10

794026 2 0 Costa Rica ChcukNorris.LoFChcukNorrisChcukNorris.LoF 10

Match 18
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807176 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

793395 2 0 Costa Rica IMHulk.LoFIMHulk.994IMHulk.LoF 10

Match 19
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807177 2 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

WCS Cloud Kingdom LE
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 802221 2 1 Bolivia BeliatMrTerran.577Beliat 00

Match 20
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Spoiler Free 801821 2 1 Colombia SupremeSupreme 597Supreme 20

Spoiler Free 807172 2 1 Costa Rica AndurilAndurilAnduril 20

Match 21
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804010 2 1 Costa Rica Gronegro.LoFGronegro.730Gronegro.LoF 00

Spoiler Free 795822 2 1 Costa Rica SethSeth.1598Seth 20

Match 22
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794026 2 1 Costa Rica ChcukNorris.LoFChcukNorrisChcukNorris.LoF 00

Spoiler Free 802797 2 1 Costa Rica InfestedInfested.759Infested 00

Match 23
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793395 2 1 Costa Rica IMHulk.LoFIMHulk.994IMHulk.LoF 20

WCS Shakuras Plateau
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 801821 2 2 Colombia SupremeSupreme 597Supreme 00

Match 24
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807172 2 2 Costa Rica AndurilAndurilAnduril 20

795822 2 2 Costa Rica SethSeth.1598Seth 10

Match 25
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793395 2 2 Costa Rica IMHulk.LoFIMHulk.994IMHulk.LoF 20

WCS Tal'Darim Altar LE
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 800622 2 3 United States ASCHCOX .161ASCH 0

Match 26

Spoiler Free 807172 2 3 Costa Rica AndurilAndurilAnduril 0

Spoiler Free 793971 2 3 Costa Rica llllllllll.LoF[LoF] Tool.452llllllllll.LoF 20

Match 27
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793395 2 3 Costa Rica IMHulk.LoFIMHulk.994IMHulk.LoF 00

WCS Ohana LE
Best of 3

0 -

Match 28

793971 2 4 Costa Rica llllllllll.LoF[LoF] Tool.452llllllllll.LoF 0

WCS Antiga Shipyard
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 797308 2 5 Costa Rica Arekuareku.204Areku 0

Match 29

0 -

Round 7
Best of 1

0 -

WCS Entombed Valley
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 794349 3 0 Costa Rica dashizDashiz . 415dashiz 0

Match 30

0 -

WCS Ohana LE
Best of 3

0 -

DreamHack WCG Canda uPlayreal Altitude Gaming League North American Star League