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India Titan$

Match Information

Match ID 1611542

Date -

Tournament Asian Classic Warlord Gaming Championship 2016

Stage / Bracket Winner Brackets

Round Round 4 (Final)

Match Format BO5 (Best of 5)

Replay Pack Unavailable

Individual Map Scores




India DeLEVANS India Titan$




India DeLEVANS India Titan$




India DeLEVANS India Titan$

Notes / Description

And we have our Winners! with Straight 3-0 Clean sweep! No one ever believed that the Team Titans will get defeated by the DelEvans but here we go we have the New Indian Victorious team at the Asian Warlord Championship 2016' The DELEVANS are the New Warlords defeating every team they faced getting their straight 5th Victory thong in the spree of 8 - 1 they have done it again. Superb Corner Kills and Sniping lead the Delvan team to victory, the Titans on the other hand had no answers and the captain seemed to be deliberately swapping positions and managing his team which was not complete this time as well. We can't believe that they do not have any stock players and in the first game they went head to head against full flash team of 8 Delevans. 8 Vs 5 to 8Vs6 and lastly 8Vs7 was what they could have in the stake. Almost winning the 3rd Game and lost at the last moment when the game went from 4-0 to 7-6 was the last desperate attempt from the greek gods. The assaulters did a commendable job along with the titan captain but they couldnt withstand the power of 8 and lost the war at the end. We Congratulate the DelVan team who has won 5000 MYR with heart breaking Arena Plays and WCG final Tickets to south China representing the Asian Warlord winning team at the WCG finals. Also collecting the peoples choice award they will receive 2000 MYR that will be payed as mobile money. We will say all the best and see you next year! Keep Gaming till then. Selamat Tinggal!
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