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Singapore EB.GanG

India Titan$

Match Information

Match ID 1619170

Date 23-10-2016 / Local Times

Tournament WBL 2016

Stage / Bracket Winner Brackets

Round Round 2 (Semi-finals)

Match Format BO5 (Best of 5)

Replay Pack Unavailable

Individual Map Scores




Singapore EB.GanG India Titan$




Singapore EB.GanG India Titan$




Singapore EB.GanG India Titan$




Singapore EB.GanG India Titan$

Notes / Description

The Titans Fall in the Semis The match was witnessed live by over 1200 standalone users broadcasted live on citysquare mall, and first ever to be shown on street visions taking over 12 City screens for bystanders and people. Talking about the Match, it was the first semi and First time ever the Titans Fall by the hands of 16 year old captain team EBGang. Counting about the fact that the titans had a very bad network reported and registered by our network community lagging held at 400 Ping, and hence few of the team members had to disconnect themselves to save the other players network strength, but evenly talking about the Opponents the EB Gang started off with the First BLOW to the titans Thrashing them with a 12-3 in the round 1' Before the team accumulate its network and player hickups the second round went interestingly at 6-5 to 6-6; where the saviors of titans Sniping By Leo and Assault Leading by Daredeval and finally gaining the win with the captain Anieez gave them a winner at 8-7; Our Analyst Kevin noted the crucial blows from EB Gang: " Sniping by Vortex and Fedora was insane with the Assaulters lead by Captain Fedora gaining sniper and pistols lead them to the victory run. The Backup was great and coordination was superb that was noted with Best corner killing and running blows. Accurate anticipated moves by titans lead the EB to study their gameplay from last 6 matches by titans gave them an upper hand. They Exactly knew how and where each player would position and play hence they went on and banged the initial blows" Talking about team titans, Mostly the Players lead by Captain and Assaulters went good to worst when the team lost their network speed and kept resolving their player connection and disconnection over 19 times reported by Rambo titan. As a result the rest of the players were unable to coordinate among each other and went reckless to insane mode vulnerable to enemy's fire. Even if we take out lagging behind, the Main players played well Involving Forest and Raul taking initiatives to go upfront and clear out the grounds, also backed by Hades who joined the game in the last rounds was not enough for the titans to come out and eventually it seemed hard for captain anieez to take his team out of miserable chances. The EB gang created a two level of defence in the Level Cs_Downed specially for the titan captain by encircling him and never gave a free ground to hunting him with sharp shooting" Overall its Sad that the Most powerful teams are now out of the tournament so hope we see them next year as they missed the chance to reach another Finals of Winter BrawlX" Congratulations EB to reach their first ever Finals in any tournament.
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