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Azerbaijan ReKonS

Myanmar VicTorySuckers

Match Information

Match ID 1619332

Date 23-10-2016 / Local Times

Tournament WBL 2016

Stage / Bracket Winner Brackets

Round Round 2 (Semi-finals)

Match Format BO5 (Best of 5)

Replay Pack Unavailable

Individual Map Scores




Azerbaijan ReKonS Myanmar VicTorySuckers




Azerbaijan ReKonS Myanmar VicTorySuckers




Azerbaijan ReKonS Myanmar VicTorySuckers

Notes / Description

10000 MYR + 5000 MYR With Effective Merchandise from Dragon War and Roccat Gaming & Circle Gaming to the Winner The REKONS are banging it on and wants everything. Yes they came Victorious and have Reached first time in any Finale of any tournament in Gaming. Rekons are everywhere with their highest achievements and comprehensive victory streak have reached the finals in their 9th Consecutive win in all time, they have now equalled the winning streak by any Asian team equilizing with the Bhutan warriors winning streak of 9 matches in any series and tournament. The Rekons had their straightforward pattern and way of creating a hierarchy of team members and balancing their strength. Although due to some reasons their team was not complete and as a result the ReKons became only team with titans playing with 6 average team players and PassAlasso team with 7 average team players the ReKons planned it precisely; Practicing for over 5 hours a day made them another bloodthirsty and hard working team, they knew every safe corner of any level creating their own maps and our Recent Interview conducted by our Host analyst Kevin Mentioned " They actually have hand made and paper made plans of every map even including unofficial maps like Oil Rig, Seige, Estate and Assault. Its simply superb to see these teenagers working on every complexity to run and win each game in a style; Their only challenge was faced against Titans when they competed with them during group stages, winning over 3-2 and earning their first badge of victory" We really wish they would achieve a straight set victory against the EB Gang who showed the titans their way back to home and now looking to take over Rekons; So thats all we have here at the statistics, we have Two new Teams Competing over 10000 MYR and Combined with 5000 MYR to Runnerups and Effective Merchandise from Dragon war and Roccat Gaming companies. Lets see who gets over the biggest award of the year's end gaming tournament.
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