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Counter-Strike CS 1.6 5on5 Cup

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Status Building
Game Counter-Strike 1.6Counter-Strike 1.6
Type Groups to Single Elim
Bronze Bracket Yes
Visibility Public
Maximum Teams 12
Registered Teams 1
Confirmed Teams 1
Match Mode 5v5
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Enabled
Start Date Thursday September 17th, 2015
Location Public Server IP : Forum/community members will be given registration priority
Tournament Views 1,363
Creator fugitive


1st place = 30 euro

Tournament details subject to change.

Active discussion at:

Round: 1 minute 45 seconds cycle on a map
Half time: Switching sides/ 2 minutes break
Match: MR15
Maps: 2 maps will be played, if no winner emerges another overtime map will be played
Competition method: 5vs5
Buytime: 15 seconds
Startmoney: 800
Freezetime: 15 seconds
C4 Timer: 35 seconds
OT Settings: MR3 - 10'000 Startmoney

Map pool (choice of maps):

- de_dust2
- de_inferno
- de_nuke
- de_train
- de_tuscan
- de_mirage

Server Choice:

Left team gets server priority in the case of a < 30 ms AVG ping difference.
Anything greater and the opposing team may request from the admins to see if a better/fairer server is available.

Veto process (How to decide which map to play):

Right team gets first ban,
Left team 2nd ban,
Right team 3rd ban,
Left team 4th ban,
Right team can choose which map from the remaining 2 to play.

Side selection:

By knife round at admin discretion. Teams will switch sides at half time.

General Rules:

1. Respect all players;
o Do not insult anyone in-game, on teamspeak or on the forum.
o Do not discriminate.
o Do not taunt/provoke in any sort of way.

2. Speak English
o During the tournament you'll need to speak English in general chat/teamspeak. Only in private and towards your own team your allowed to speak another language (this means also during the matches you are allowed to speak in another language, but only in the private teamspeak channel/teamchat)
o Answer in English to admins/moderators during the tournament

Gameplay Rules:

o Any use of game exploits, cheats, or any other play deemed "unfair" by an admin may result in disciplinary action up to and including disqualification from the tournament and a report to VAC (note that you'll also be banned from every Elite communiTy server).
o Non-standard game settings or third party applications that affect game play are not permitted. Players found using either will be penalized at the administators discretion.
o Any disconnection issues that cannot be resolved by the players in the match must be brought to the attention of the staff immediately (Sem, eXe^ or reflexjehh, dvee).
o All players must have game replays (demo) and end-of-game score screenshots; in the event of a dispute, these assests will be used as evidence to determine the result of the dispute.
o Each team will be responsible for checking the other team's roster is valid BEFORE the match starts. Disputes regarding teams using un-rostered players will not be valid after the completion of the match.
o Planting silent or unreachable will not be allowed. The bomb must be planted in a position that is accessible without a boost.
o No flashbang exploits will be allowed
o Only default CS 1.6 models will be allowed

In the case of a internet drop/ power-out the server will be restarted and the match will continu as soon as everyone is ready. Points/time will be written down by a administrator and the match will restart once the server has booted again. If a player disconnects from the game one of the team-captains will be allowed to PAUSE the game at the next freeze time untill the player is ready again or 5 minutes passes. If the player is not back in 5 minutes the game will resume without the player in question. New players are not allowed during a match, only for a new match.

Round 1

Round Format: BO1

First Map: de_dust2

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2

Round Format: BO1

First Map: de_inferno

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3

Round Format: BO1

First Map: de_nuke

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 1: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: Final

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

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