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Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveLate Cup Tournament

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Status Building
Game Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveCounter-Strike: Global Offensive
Type Single Elim
Bronze Bracket No
Visibility Public
Maximum Teams 8
Registered Teams 3
Confirmed Teams 2
Match Mode 5v5
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Disabled
Start Date Monday February 23rd, 2015
Location -
Tournament Views 1,148


1. Kõik tiimi liikmeid peavad olema eestlased või elama Eestis.
2. Igal tiimil on võimalus turniiri jooksul teha 1 lineup vahetus.
2.1 Enne turniiri on võimalik teha lõpmatuseni lineup vahetusi, kuid sellest tuleb teada anda teamspeakis.
3. Üks isik tohib esindada turniiri jooksul ainult ühte tiimi.
4. Turniiri ajaks peab tiimi kapten tulema õige nicki + tagiga
5. Serveris olles peab igal tiimi liikmel olema real nick ja tiimi tag ees.
6. Turniiri adminitel on õigus teid iga kell diskvalifitseerida.
7. “Mapid valitakse VETO -ga. Lower seed alustab bannimist ning bannitakse järgmises formaadis: B-A-B-A”
7.1 Map pool: dust2, nuke, inferno, mirage, cobblestone, overpass, cache
8. Skoori kirja panemine:
8.1 Peale mängu tuleb scoreboardist teha screenshot ning postitada screenshot IRC -u kanalisse järgmises formaadis: Team1 16 – 5 Team2 SCREENSHOTURL

Mängusisesed reeglid:
1. Iga mängija peab recordima igast mängust ineye demo (command: record demonimi).
1.1 Peale mängu on 5min aega, et küsida vastastiimilt kuni 3 demo. Demode küsimiseks tulge IRCu kanalisse.
2. Keelatud on kasutada igasuguseid eelist andvaid 3rd party programme. (wallhack, aim jne)
3. Keelatud on kasutada igasuguseid eelist andvaid scripte (bunnyhop, antirecoil, 180 kraadi turn jne)
4. Te võite kasutada enda serverit, kui mõlemad osapooled on nõus.
4.1 Kui te soovite kasutada enda serverit mänguks, siis ei tohi serveril olla ühtegi muud pluginat peale ESL Plugini (esl plugin pole kohustuslik). Samuti peab olema serveril peal VAC2.
5. Kui server crashib siis jätkatakse mängu 6000 rahaga viimasest skoorist (hetkel käiv raund ei loe).
6. Kui mängija crashib keset raundi, siis tuleb järgmise raundi freezetime ajal panna pause (command: cmd pause)
6.1 Mängijal on aega 10 minutit, et sisse tulla. Kui selle jooksul mängija sisse ei tule võib kasutada enda ühte vahetust või jätkub mäng 4vs5.
7. Pausi ei tohi maha võtta ennem, kui mõlemad osapooled on kirjutanud, et nad on valmis.
8. Mängus sees peab Teil olema õige nick millega te turniirile registreerisite ning samuti õige clan tag.
9. Enne mängu algust peavad mõlemad osapooled kinnitama chatis, et nad on valmis.
10. 5on5 noa raund otsustab, kes kellel pool alustab. Võitja saab valida poole.
11. Overtime – Kui mängu seisuks jääb 15-15 tuleb mängida overtime. Overtime formaat on mr10 ja 16k startmoney.

Reeglid võivad uueneda iga kell ning cupi osalejatel on kohustus neid järgida!


1. All team members must be Estonian or live in Estonia.
2. Each team is teh1 CHANCE tournament. All team members must be Estonian or live in Estonia.
2. Each team is made within one CHANCE tournament lineup of exchange.
2.1 Before the tournament lineup indefinitely possible to make exchanges, but should know teamspeakis.
3. One person may be represented by only one team during the tournament.
4. tournament when, the team captain to come to the correct scaling nicki +
5. The server must at being the team members need to be a real nickname and tag team in front.
6. Legal adminitel tournament will disqualify you every time.
7. "Folders are selected with VETO. The bottom of the seed begins bannimist And the ban of the following format: Baba"
7.1 The Card Party: dust2, nuke, Inferno, mirage, cobblestone, overpass, cache
8. Scoring putting the book:
8.1 After the game scoreboardist to take a screenshot and post a screenshot -u IRC channel in the following format: 16-5 Team1 Team2 SCREENSHOTURL

n-Game Rules:
1. Each player is required to record the demo of each game ineye (Command: The name of the record demo).
1.1 after the game about 5 minutes time to ask vastastiimilt to 3 demo. Come IRCu channel asking for demos.
2. It is prohibited to use all kinds of giving advantage to third-party programs. (Wallhack, AIM, etc.)
3. It is prohibited to use all sorts of advantages delivering scripts (Playmobile Adventures VOL, antirecoil, 180 degree rotation, etc.)
4. You can use your own server, Kui Both parties agree.
4.1 The citations you want to use your own game server, you should not have any other plugins on the server after the ESL Plugin (ESL plugin is not mandatory). There must also be a server on the top VAC2.
5. Then continue to pare the server crashed last score of the game with the money of 6000 (at the moment pertaining to the round does not count).
6. Kui player crashed in the middle of the round, the next round freezetime time to put a pause (command: cmd pause)
6.1 A player has 10 minutes to come in. Kui did not come during the player may use the same exchange, or continues the game 4vs5.
7. The pause can not be removed before, Kui Both parties have written that they are ready.
8. Looks Mangus, you must have the correct nick with which you registered and on the tournament as well as the correct clan tag.
9. Prior to the start of the game, both parties to confirm the chat feature, so that they are ready.
10. 5on5 knife round to decide who hath so-so start pool. The winner gets to choose a side.
11. Overtime - Kui Game Play it remains to be 15-15 overtime. Overtime Format is MR10 and 16k start money.

Rules can regenerate any time Ning Cup participants have immediate stir in 1 lineup



Round 1: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: Final

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

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