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Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveSoVa League S1

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Status Building
Game Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveCounter-Strike: Global Offensive
Type Single Elim
Bronze Bracket No
Visibility Public
Maximum Players 8
Registered Players 0
Confirmed Players 0
Match Mode 1v1
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Enabled
Start Date Friday April 15th, 2016
Location -
Tournament Views 804
Creator Sn0wKy


So, as an avid e-sports fan myself, I've always loved to picture myself playing tourneys and leagues with my team of friends, but because we are non-skilled at the game, we cannot do so, hopefully we can now with this.

Hello all players, I am hoping to host a community league for silver/nova players. I'm aiming for about 10 teams.

This league will have each team play each team twice on different maps, before the map starts maps will be vetoed.

If you are really interested in competitive gameplay, yet you stay in silver and nova ranks, playing with your team here is the place for you.

Winning a game will give you 2 points, losing gives you 0 and finally if you do not have time for overtime, if both teams all players accept you can draw for one point.

If by the end of the league, 2 team have the same amount of points a final will be played.

First place will recieve a reward, as of right now it's free too sign up, but first place team will only recieve a reward if members of this community donate to the prize, second place may also recieve a reward, I myself will be putting in one or two redlines.

We'll be using a site called, the leader of one of the team playing will setup a scrim, and invite all players to join, once all 10 are in, a console command will be generated which you will paste into console and you'll load in, in the scrim options you can change server and map.

Requirements to enter:

A team 30+ MM wins 100+ csgo hours
This is to prevent smurfing and hacking, popflash also does have an anti-cheat system, but just don't do it, this league is for fun, why ruin it for other people?

Once I get around 10 teams, we'll have games week by week, since people have work and school, each week on sunday night, I'll announce what teams are playing what teams this week, and they can do this at any time during the week they wish, on completion of a match, both team leaders will send me a message on the result, and maybe a screenshot of proof., only team leaders should join.

Hope this succeeds, thanks guys.

Round 1: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: Final

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

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