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DotA 2asd

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Best of 5

1476675 asas 1

1483231 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476718 1212 0

Match 2

1478603 55 0

1478606 88 3

1483232 FreeWinFreeWin 2

1478600 22 1

1483233 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478610 1212 1

1483234 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478608 1010 1

1483235 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476723 132123132123 1

1483236 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476713 12331233 1

1483237 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478604 66 1

1483238 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1483230 dasdas 1

Match 10
View Details

1483239 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476672 asas 1

Match 11
View Details

1483240 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476716 33 1

Match 12
View Details

1483241 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478599 11 1

Match 13
View Details

1483242 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478611 1313 1

Match 14
View Details

1483243 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478602 44 1

Match 15
View Details

1483244 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476725 666666666666666666666666666666666666 1

Match 16
View Details

1483245 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478605 77 1

Match 17
View Details

1483246 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478607 99 1

Match 18
View Details

1483247 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476715 1212 1

Match 19
View Details

1483248 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478613 1515 1

Match 20
View Details

1483249 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476717 123123 1

Match 21
View Details

1483250 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476722 55555555 1

Match 22
View Details

1483251 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476712 1111 1

Match 23
View Details

1483252 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476724 1212 1

Match 24
View Details

1483253 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478609 1111 1

Match 25
View Details

1483254 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476719 312312 1

Match 26
View Details

1483255 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478612 1414 1

Match 27
View Details

1483256 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476714 123123 1

Match 28
View Details

1483257 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476720 33 1

Match 29
View Details

1483258 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478601 33 1

Match 30
View Details

1483259 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1478614 1616 1

Match 31
View Details

1483260 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1476721 22 1

Match 32
View Details

1483261 FreeWinFreeWin 0

Best of 3

1476675 asas 0

Match 33

0 -

1478606 88 0

Match 34

1478600 22 0

1478610 1212 0

Match 35

1478608 1010 0

1476723 132123132123 0

Match 36

1476713 12331233 0

1478604 66 0

Match 37

1483230 dasdas 0

1476672 asas 0

Match 38

1476716 33 0

1478599 11 0

Match 39

1478611 1313 0

1478602 44 0

Match 40

1476725 666666666666666666666666666666666666 0

1478605 77 0

Match 41

1478607 99 0

1476715 1212 0

Match 42

1478613 1515 0

1476717 123123 0

Match 43

1476722 55555555 0

1476712 1111 0

Match 44

1476724 1212 0

1478609 1111 0

Match 45

1476719 312312 0

1478612 1414 0

Match 46

1476714 123123 0

1476720 33 0

Match 47

1478601 33 0

1478614 1616 0

Match 48

1476721 22 0

Best of 1

0 -

Match 49

0 -

0 -

Match 50

0 -

0 -

Match 51

0 -

0 -

Match 52

0 -

0 -

Match 53

0 -

0 -

Match 54

0 -

0 -

Match 55

0 -

0 -

Match 56

0 -

Best of 3

0 -

Match 57

0 -

0 -

Match 58

0 -

0 -

Match 59

0 -

0 -

Match 60

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Match 61

0 -

0 -

Match 62

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Match 63

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

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