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HearthstoneTurnir - the Sunday Hearth v6.0

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Status Confirmation
Game HearthstoneHearthstone
Type Single Elim
Bronze Bracket Yes
Visibility Public
Maximum Players 64
Registered Players 3
Confirmed Players 3
Match Mode 1v1
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Enabled
Start Date Saturday December 14th, 2013
Location bNet HS.
Tournament Views 1,349
Creator Ma Plictisesti


Start at 20:00
* Tournament format: 2 out of 3 games;
2 decks: 1main one side - can not be changed during the tournament;
The first game of each match will play the main deck;
Not allowed during tournament swap card **.
Forfeit: disconnection game lost by forfeit is considered only if the players do not like to restart the game.

Time Loss ***:
5min delay - losing the first match
15min delay - lose the game.

Win / Loss:
Victories organizers have announced. Capture can be used if you want.

* Tournament format can be changed to a better development of it, depending on the total number of players.
** For you can not do a deck check list appeal to your understanding.
*** any delay must be announced by staff. (see hosts)

Round 1: RO64

Round Format: BO3

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: RO32

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: RO16

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 4: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 5: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 6: Final

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

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