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StarCraft 2: Heart of the SwarmTeam Avengers Clan Cup I

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Red City LE
Best of 3

1085730 United States JubelJubel 2

1085783 tedytedy 0

1086019 United States TonyTony 2

1085713 Germany ChaosChaos 0

1085997 Germany DieHappyDieHappy 2

1085836 United States SeThSeTh 0

1085945 United States UnbelievableUnbelievable 2

1081488 Germany uMadbrouMadbro 0

1085744 United States ZeroCool743ZeroCool 2

1085734 Korea, Republic of ExtremeExtreme 0

1085738 United States ReaperReaper 2

1085758 United States CrustusCrustus 0

1080603 Germany WildsauWildsau 2

1080707 Bosnia and Herzegovina TribunalXwarTribunalXwar 0

1080601 Germany DoubbleCDoubbleC 2

1085944 United States ShortyzillaShortyzilla 0

Bel'Shir Vestige
Best of 3

1085730 United States JubelJubel 2

1086019 United States TonyTony 0

1085997 Germany DieHappyDieHappy 1

Match 10
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1085945 United States UnbelievableUnbelievable 2

1085744 United States ZeroCool743ZeroCool 1

Match 11
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1085738 United States ReaperReaper 2

1080603 Germany WildsauWildsau 0

Match 12
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1080601 Germany DoubbleCDoubbleC 2

Neo Planet S LE
Best of 3

1085730 United States JubelJubel 1

Match 13
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1085945 United States UnbelievableUnbelievable 2

1085738 United States ReaperReaper 0

Match 14
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1080601 Germany DoubbleCDoubbleC 2

Whirlwind LE
Best of 5

1085945 United States UnbelievableUnbelievable 0

Match 15
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1080601 Germany DoubbleCDoubbleC 3

Best of 1

1080601 Germany DoubbleCDoubbleC -

Whirlwind LE
Best of 5

1085730 United States JubelJubel 3

Match 16
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1085738 United States ReaperReaper 1

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

1085730 United States JubelJubel -

DreamHack WCG Canda uPlayreal Altitude Gaming League North American Star League