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League of LegendsNexus-Gaming 1v1 Tournament

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Status Building
Game League of LegendsLeague of Legends
Type Single Elim
Bronze Bracket No
Visibility Public
Maximum Players 32
Registered Players 26
Confirmed Players 26
Match Mode 1v1
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Enabled
Start Date Thursday February 28th, 2013
Location -
Tournament Views 1,407
Creator Melissaa19


vent Name:
1v1 Tournament ( EU West )
Event Start:
Friday, Mar 1, 07:00:00 pm (GMT +1)
Event End:
Friday, Mar 1, 10:30:00 pm (GMT +1)
Weekly on Friday
Created By:
As we have a vast majority of players from the EU West server, we will host 2 separate tournaments, one for NA and one for EU West.

The competition will start at 7:00pm (GMT +1) and will end when all the players have competed and a winner is found.

The prize will be a €10 League of Legends RP card and a special rank for teamspeak, with special commands, the rank will last for 2 weeks


Summoners Rift

Game Mode:

- Matches will be played using 'Blind Pick' game mode, players will state their bans in the match lobby before the host starts the game.
- 3 bans will be allowed for each player before the match. The person who created the match goes first. 1-1-1-1-1-1 format, back and forth.

Game Rules:

- First Blood OR First Tower
- Players must remain in the mid lane, exiting will result in immediate disqualification. (This means no buffs, not even wraiths)
- Any Harassment of any kind will result in an immediate disqualification, be friendly and mature.
- Stay within the red lines of mid lane, being caught outside of those lines will result in disqualification! (Players must provide a screenshot when reporting the other player)

Match Rules:

- Banned Summoner Spells: Teleport
- Banned Champions: Yorick, Zilean, Anivia, Master Yi, Mundo
- Banned Items: Guardian Angel
- You are not allowed to play the same champion twice within your bo3 matchup.
- It will be a bo3 the entire tournament (all matches are bo3).

Remember that the tournament is in the "Best of 3" rule set, you will vs the same opponent 3 times and the person to win 2 goes through to the next round!

Please remember that this is the EU West tournament, NA players can still join if they have a EU West account, it is advised that your account is level 30.

To win you must take a screenshot of "First Blood" or "First Tower Destroyed", if you can not take a screen shot you can request a staff member to 'Spectate" your game, although we may not be avaliable.

Please re-frame from lying as you will be immediately removed from the tournament!

- The Nexus-Gaming Team!

Round 1: RO32

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: RO16

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 4: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 5: Final

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

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