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League of LegendsGOTG 5v5 #2

Join this Tournament
Status Building
Game League of LegendsLeague of Legends
Type Single Elim
Bronze Bracket Yes
Visibility Public
Maximum Teams 64
Registered Teams 5
Confirmed Teams 0
Match Mode 5v5
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Enabled
Start Date Monday July 29th, 2013
Tournament Views 1,446



Tuesday JULY 30th, 2013/Wednesday July 31st(if needed)


6.30 GMT(7.30 CET)-1200gmt

Sign up open Now Closes 8pm (CET) 29th July


​All matches to be played on Summoners Rift​

All matches to be Tournament Draft Pick​

All matches to be played as bo1 except finals which will be bo3​

All matches are to start within 10 minutes of the set time unless given permission by tournament admins failure to do so will end in disqualifaction

All teams MUST adhere to the summoner code at all time

Pauses are allowed and to be used were needed


Matches can be won by completing 2 difference objectives

​Destroying enemy nexus

​Making enemy team surrender ​​


Games will be streamed whenever applicable​

If The Games are being stream correct streaming staff must be invited to the game

if your are streaming your own games please advertise that your are playing in our tournaments. All games all aloud to be streamed except finals of Tournaments

To be Streamed on

Prizes are as follows

1st place: €20 RP + Triumphant Ryze per player

2nd place: €15 RP per player

3rd place: €10 RP per player

4th place: €5 RP per player

The prizes can take up to three weeks after the tournament has finished


Round 1: RO64

Round Format: BO1

First Map: Summoner's Rift

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: RO32

Round Format: BO1

First Map: Summoner's Rift

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: RO16

Round Format: BO1

First Map: Summoner's Rift

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 4: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 5: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 6: Final

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

DreamHack WCG Canda uPlayreal Altitude Gaming League North American Star League