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League of LegendsTeam PiXL 3v3 Tournament #1

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Status Building
Game League of LegendsLeague of Legends
Type Single Elim
Bronze Bracket Yes
Visibility Public
Maximum Teams 8
Registered Teams 13
Confirmed Teams 3
Match Mode 3v3
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Enabled
Start Date Thursday May 22nd, 2014
Location -
Tournament Views 3,392
Creator TehDaarkk


Team PiXL is hosting a League of Legends 3v3 Low Elo Tournament!
It'll be Single Elimination, with 8 teams maximum. We are a team in development and we're trying to improve our game play and have fun!
The tournament will be starting on May 23rd and finished on May 25th.

Signing up:
To sign up, you must click "Join this Tournament". After signing up, one member of each team must add me. If a member from your team fails to add me on game day, your team will be removed. You must also tell me your official team name.
IGN : TehDaarkk

Team Requirements:
- Must be on the North American Server.
- All players must be level 30.
- All players must be Bronze, Silver or Gold in Solo/Duo Queue.
- Players cannot be Platiunum, Diamond or Challenger last season.
- Team must have a total of 3 members or more.
- If any smurfing is caught through out the tournament, your team will be disqualified.

Riot approved our tournament and decided to help out with the prizes!
1st place: 3200 RP & Triumphant Ryze skin for every player
2nd place: 2400 RP per player
3rd place: 1600 RP per player
4th place: 800 RP per player
* Only THREE members of a team will get prizes.
Thank you Riot!

Gameplay Rules:
- Teams have up to 10 minutes of pausing. If possible, notify the other team before pausing.
- Teams can have any reason to pause.
- A team/member cannot be more than 10 minutes late after the scheduled time. If a team/member is 10 minutes late, The other team in their series will recieve an automatic 1-0 series lead/win. You can get a sub(s) to fill in any missing player(s).
- Each team may only have up to 2 subs each. Meaning that 2 different accounts (different from the original three) can sub in. All Team Requirements still apply.
- Once apart of the bracket, you may reschedule a match aslong as BOTH teams agree.

General Rules:
- All teams and members must follow the Summoner's Code.
- All teams must sign up for the Tournament on BinaryBeast.

Round 1:
All teams will be paired into a match. The winning team advances into the Semifinals and the losing team is eliminated from the tournament.

4 Teams will be paired into a "Best out of 3" series. The winning team of a series advances into the Finals and the losing team is put into a 3rd place match.

The Final teams will be paired into a "Best out of 3" series. The Winning team is declared as tournament champion and losing team is declared second place.

3rd place match:
The losing teams from the Semifinals will be paired into a match. The winning team is declared 3rd place and losing team is declared 4th place.
* 3rd place match will not be apart of the Tournament Bracket but in a seperate match.


- Bracket -

Match A:
23/5 8:30 PM EST
Match B:
23/5 9:30 PM EST
Match C:
24/5 9:30 PM EST
Match D:
24/5 10:30 PM EST
Series E:
25/5 2:30 PM EST
Series F:
25/5 3:30 PM EST
Series G:
25/5 5:00 PM EST
Match H:
25/5 6:00 PM EST

1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place:
4th Place:

Round 1: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: Twisted Treeline

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO3

First Map: Twisted Treeline

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: Final

Round Format: BO3

First Map: Twisted Treeline

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

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