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League of LegendsTeam PiXL Open Bracket 5v5 Tournament #1

Join this Tournament
Status Building
Game League of LegendsLeague of Legends
Type Single Elim
Bronze Bracket No
Visibility Public
Maximum Teams 32
Registered Teams 7
Confirmed Teams 1
Match Mode 5v5
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Enabled
Start Date Thursday June 12th, 2014
Location -
Tournament Views 2,953
Creator TehDaarkk


Team PiXL is hosting a League of Legends 5v5 Open Bracket Tournament!
We are back again and decided to host another LoL Tournament!
This tournament will be an Open Bracket Tournament meaning that all Ranked 5v5 teams are welcomed.

It'll be Single Elimination, with 32 teams maximum. We are a team in development and we're trying to improve our game play and have fun!
The tournament will be starting on June 13th and finished on June 15th.

Signing up:
To sign up, you must click "Join this Tournament". After signing up, one member of each team must add me. If a member from your team fails to add me on game day, your team will be removed. You must also tell me your official team name.
IGN : TehDaarkk

Riot has helped us out with the prizes!
1st place: 3200 RP & Triumphant Ryze skin for every player
2nd place: 2400 RP per player
3rd place: 1600 RP per player
4th place: 800 RP per player
* Only FIVE members of a team will get prizes.
Thank you Riot!:)

Team Requirements:
- Must be on the North American Server.
- All players must be level 30.
- All players must be Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond or Challenger in Solo/Duo Queue.
*Cannot play if you're unranked
- Team must have a total of 5 members or more.

Gameplay Rules:
- Teams have up to 10 minutes of pausing. When pausing, you must notify the other team before doing so.
- A team/member cannot be more than 10 minutes late after the scheduled time. If a team/member is 10 minutes late, The other team in their series will recieve an automatic 1-0 series lead/win. You can get a sub(s) to fill in any missing player(s).
- Each team may only have up to 3 subs each. Meaning that 3 different accounts (different from the original five) can sub in. All Team Requirements still apply.
- Once apart of the bracket, you may reschedule a match aslong as BOTH teams agree.

General Rules:
- All teams and members must follow the Summoner's Code.
- All teams must sign up for the Tournament on BinaryBeast.

Round 1:
All teams will be paired into a match. The winning team advances into the Round Two and the losing team is eliminated from the tournament.

Round 2:
All teams will be paired into a match. The winning team advances into the Round Three and the losing team is eliminated from the tournament.

Round 3:
All Teams will be paired into a "Best out of 3" series. The winning team of a series advances into the Semifinals and the losing team is eliminated from the tournament.

4 Teams will be paired into a "Best out of 3" series. The winning team of a series advances into the Finals and the losing team is put into a 3rd place match.

The Final teams will be paired into a "Best out of 3" series. The Winning team is declared as tournament champion and losing team is declared second place.

3rd place match:
The losing teams from the Semifinals will be paired into a match. The winning team is declared 3rd place and losing team is declared 4th place.
* 3rd place match will not be apart of the Tournament Bracket but in a seperate match.


If anyone has comments or anything to say about our job with tournament hosting please tell me! :)

- Bracket -

Match A/B/C/D:
13/6 6:30 PM EST

Match E/F/G/H:
13/6 7:30 PM EST

Match I/J/K/L:
13/6 8:30 PM EST

Match M/N/O/P:
13/6 9:30 PM EST

Match Q/R/S/T:
14/6 7:30 PM EST

Match U/V/W/X:
14/6 8:30 PM EST

Series Y/Z/AA/AB:
15/6 3:00 PM EST

Series AC:
15/6 4:00 PM EST

Series AD:
15/6 5:00 PM EST

Series AE:
15/6 6:00 PM EST

Match 3P:
15/6 7:00 PM EST

1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place:
4th Place:

Round 1: RO32

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: RO16

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 4: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 5: Final

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

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