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League of LegendsS.W.A.G. #2

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Status Building
Game League of LegendsLeague of Legends
Type Single Elim
Bronze Bracket No
Visibility Public
Maximum Teams 64
Registered Teams 5
Confirmed Teams 0
Match Mode 5v5
Replay Uploads Optional
Replay Downloads Enabled
Start Date Friday August 29th, 2014
Location -
Tournament Views 3,037
Creator Koning Rob


1.) League of Legends Game server
All games will be played on the West European server.

2.) Basic Information
• After game ends: results must be reported to a official
• Map: 5vs5 Summoners rift
• You have to be ready 15 minutes before the game starts.
• If nobody from a team responds in time they get an auto-lose in 15 minutes. If the team answers before the 15 minutes mark they get another 15 minutes to get ready for a game. In \"Best of 3\" teams can use only 15 minutes between games to be ready for playing. Waiting time can be extended if both teams agree on it or if official decides so.
• Ban/Pick Mode: League of Legends custom game tournament draft mode. The team on the top of the bracket chooses side.
• Pauses: Any team has up to 10 minutes of pause time. They however do need a good reason, and has to say in all chat first that they are going to pause.
• During a Best of 3, the team on the top of the bracket chooses side. They have to switch side after every game
• Win/Loss: A game is considered finished and won when a team destroys the enemy nexus or their opponent surrenders the game. If a team has all 3 members of a game disconnect then that team will be considered surrendered and the opposing team will be granted a win.
• Only finals for 1/2 place and 3/4 place will be using Best of 3.

3.) Team registration

When you apply your team for tournament you must do the check-in to get accepted when you arrive with your complete team on the LAN-event.

4.) Player and Champion Selection

Teams must choose the 5 players they wish to play in the game, before the champion banning/picking process begins. Once the champion bans have started, teams may no longer substitute players and must use the 5 players, who were chosen to do the bans. Players are not allowed to participate in 2 different cups that are on the same date/time and players are not allowed to play under 2 different teams on the same cup.

5.) Player Substitutions

Teams may substitute players during rounds, if there is more than one game, i.e. Best of 3 series. The substitution must occur after the first game has concluded and before the start of the banning process for the next game. Only players of the active roster for the event are eligible for substitution. If a player was not on your roster before the event started then they are not eligible to play.

6.) Player Disconnects, Server Disconnects and Lag

If a player disconnects during a game, you can use your 10 minute pause time. However if the players fails to reconnect in the pause time, the game has to be continued without the player. In case of a server lagging such that it drastically affects both teams and the game outcome, or the server disconnects, then the match must be replayed. The date and time of the replay will be decided by a official. All players are responsible for having sufficient and stable internet connections to play on. “Lagg” is not a viable excuse for filing a dispute unless all players on the server experience the same lagg. All issues related to server connectivity will be handled by a official on an individual case by case basis.

7.) League of Legends Player Accounts
All players must provide their League of Legends summoner name in their Binary beast account.

8.) Player Conduct

All teams and players are prohibited from using the chat console during the game to excessively harass or abuse the opposing team. Harassment includes but is not limited to racism, excessive taunting, and spamming. However, excessive abuse will result in disciplinary action from our officials. Officials cannot control teams and players from reporting one another for League of Legends Terms of Service violations to RIOT.

9.) Game Remake
Sometimes there can be problems with server connectivity and sometimes it is possible that only 1 of the 2 teams is experiencing the problem. So what do we suggest the teams to do - If the problem occurs before any major event in the game or before minions spawn than team that is experiencing the lagg must report it immediately to the tournament official and of course inform the opposing team. The remake can be done only if opposing team agrees on it and/or if the tournament official approves the decision. Remake must be done with the same champ picks&summoner spells(unless it was a champion select problem - than the person that had the problem can pick the other champion that was meant to be picked). There can be max of 2 remakes. If 2 remakes aren\'t enough to help with the issue than the team with the issue has to either surrender or just play by trying to ignore the issue.

Round 1: RO64

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 2: RO32

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 3: RO16

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 4: Quarter-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 5: Semi-finals

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

Round 6: Final

Round Format: BO1

First Map: -

Subsequent Maps: Pick from the Map Pool

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