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League of LegendsHoTFanTa striim 1v1

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Summoner's Rift
Best of 1

1853561 KanepikäbiKanepikäbi 1

1853572 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853563 ClipppClippp 0

1853565 GreenikoGreeniko 1

1853571 vungstervungster 1

1853573 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853556 TafgaTafga 1

1853574 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853560 KRDeft KRDeft 1

1853575 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853567 xXxLilDevilxXxxXxLilDevilxXx 1

1853576 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853562 pegazuzxxpegazuzxx 1

1853577 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853559 NTXVallavanemNTXVallavanem 1

1853578 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853558 EstoniEstoni 1

1853579 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853570 SussikSussik 1

Match 10
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1853566 TofuGLTofuGL 0

1853568 GodGaming101GodGaming101 1

Match 11
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1853580 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853554 FallingstarFallingstar 1

Match 12
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1853581 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853564 1v1onlinem81v1onlinem8 1

Match 13
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1853582 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853555 adowgadowg 1

Match 14
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1853583 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853557 ChumbawambaChumbawamba 1

Match 15
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1853584 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1853569 kert623kert623 1

Match 16
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1853585 FreeWinFreeWin 0

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1

1853561 KanepikäbiKanepikäbi 0

Match 17
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1853565 GreenikoGreeniko 1

1853571 vungstervungster 1

Match 18
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1853556 TafgaTafga 0

1853560 KRDeft KRDeft 1

Match 19
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1853567 xXxLilDevilxXxxXxLilDevilxXx 0

1853562 pegazuzxxpegazuzxx 1

Match 20
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1853559 NTXVallavanemNTXVallavanem 0

1853558 EstoniEstoni 0

Match 21
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1853570 SussikSussik 1

1853568 GodGaming101GodGaming101 1

Match 22
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1853554 FallingstarFallingstar 0

1853564 1v1onlinem81v1onlinem8 0

Match 23
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1853555 adowgadowg 1

1853557 ChumbawambaChumbawamba 1

Match 24
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1853569 kert623kert623 0

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1

1853565 GreenikoGreeniko 1

Match 25
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1853571 vungstervungster 0

1853560 KRDeft KRDeft 0

Match 26
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1853562 pegazuzxxpegazuzxx 1

1853570 SussikSussik 1

Match 27
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1853568 GodGaming101GodGaming101 0

1853555 adowgadowg 0

Match 28
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1853557 ChumbawambaChumbawamba 1

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1

1853565 GreenikoGreeniko 0

Match 29
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1853562 pegazuzxxpegazuzxx 1

1853570 SussikSussik 0

Match 30
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1853557 ChumbawambaChumbawamba 1

Best of 1

1853562 pegazuzxxpegazuzxx 1

Match 31
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1853557 ChumbawambaChumbawamba 0

Best of 1

1853562 pegazuzxxpegazuzxx -

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