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League of LegendseSportgamers Ahenk Kadehi Turnuvası

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Best of 1

2458560 BooowZ v2BooowZ v2 0

2458561 Limited EditionLimited Edition 1

2458562 Infernal Wish Infernal Wish 0

2458563 BermendosBermendos 1

2458564 Super PassiveSuper Passive 1

2458565 LazikaLazika 0

2458566 Old Fnatic ReturnOld Fnatic Return 1

2458567 Konutlar eSporKonutlar eSpor 0

2458568 Kayı ObasıKayı Obası 1

2458569 Yıldız Cafe Tanjant BayiYıldız Cafe Tanjant Bayi 0

2458570 Silence for YouthfulSilence for Youthful 1

2458571 Real e-King TeamReal e-King Team 0

2458572 Sucuklu TostSucuklu Tost 0

2458573 infinity fireinfinity fire 1

2458574 Micro FUTUREMicro FUTURE 1


Best of 1

2458561 Limited EditionLimited Edition 1

2458563 BermendosBermendos 0

2458564 Super PassiveSuper Passive 0

Match 10
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2458566 Old Fnatic ReturnOld Fnatic Return 1

2458568 Kayı ObasıKayı Obası 1

Match 11
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2458570 Silence for YouthfulSilence for Youthful 0

2458573 infinity fireinfinity fire 0

Match 12
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2458574 Micro FUTUREMicro FUTURE 1

Best of 1

2458561 Limited EditionLimited Edition 1

Match 13
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2458566 Old Fnatic ReturnOld Fnatic Return 0

2458568 Kayı ObasıKayı Obası 0

Match 14
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2458574 Micro FUTUREMicro FUTURE 1

Best of 1

2458561 Limited EditionLimited Edition 1

Match 15
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2458574 Micro FUTUREMicro FUTURE 0

Best of 1

2458561 Limited EditionLimited Edition -

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

2458566 Old Fnatic ReturnOld Fnatic Return 0

Match 16
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2458568 Kayı ObasıKayı Obası 1

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

2458568 Kayı ObasıKayı Obası -

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