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StarCraft 2TCS Cup - Platinum Division

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IPLMap ESV Sanshorn Mist
Best of 3

492483 Italy LadroDiMeleLadroDiMele.855LadroDiMele 0

500993 FreeWinFreeWin 0

491411 Italy PurcePurce.609Purce 0

500995 FreeWinFreeWin 0

493767 Italy RaeGoNRaeGoN.618RaeGoN 0

492139 Italy cwBusaaSBusa.474cwBusa 2

493299 Italy ScientistScientist.616Scientist 2

492845 Italy sayidjarrahvaux.680sayidjarrah 0

497717 Italy OverLoLOverLoL.412OverLoL 0

492471 Italy ShruikanShruikan.217Shruikan 2

492517 Italy BloodyHellBloodyHell.575BloodyHell 0

500997 FreeWinFreeWin 0

492769 Italy RoshakHsDLRoshak.366Roshak 0

500999 FreeWinFreeWin 0

492519 Italy FasyHsDLFasy.240Fasy 0

501001 FreeWinFreeWin 0

Shakuras Plateau
Best of 3

492483 Italy LadroDiMeleLadroDiMele.855LadroDiMele 0

491411 Italy PurcePurce.609Purce 2

492139 Italy cwBusaaSBusa.474cwBusa 2

Match 10
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493299 Italy ScientistScientist.616Scientist 1

492471 Italy ShruikanShruikan.217Shruikan 2

Match 11
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492517 Italy BloodyHellBloodyHell.575BloodyHell 0

492769 Italy RoshakHsDLRoshak.366Roshak 1

Match 12
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492519 Italy FasyHsDLFasy.240Fasy 2

Antiga Shipyard
Best of 5

491411 Italy PurcePurce.609Purce 2

Match 13
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492139 Italy cwBusaaSBusa.474cwBusa 3

492471 Italy ShruikanShruikan.217Shruikan 0

Match 14
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492519 Italy FasyHsDLFasy.240Fasy 3

Entombed Valley
Best of 7

492139 Italy cwBusaaSBusa.474cwBusa 4

Match 15
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492519 Italy FasyHsDLFasy.240Fasy 2

Best of 1

492139 Italy cwBusaaSBusa.474cwBusa -

Cloud Kingdom
Best of 5

491411 Italy PurcePurce.609Purce 0

Match 16

492471 Italy ShruikanShruikan.217Shruikan 0

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

0 -

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